Wednesday, March 21, 2012

If Only He Could Shake His Comment Away

One of Romney's top advisers, Eric Fehrnstorm recently compared Romney's campaign to an Etch and sketch... you know one of those things two year olds use to draw random stuff then shake it up to erase it. Fehrnstorm recently said "Well, I think you hit a reset button for the fall campaign, everything changes. It’s almost like an Etch a Sketch. You can kind of shake it up and restart all over again.” So far he has received tons of criticism for this comment. Do think this will have a impact on his chances on winning the presidential bid.


  1. This definitely isn't a good move by Fehrnstrom, but overall, I don't think it's going to have a huge effect on the nomination. Voters probably don't like hearing that their candidate has "hit a reset button" on his campaign, but it's not going to sway to may people onto the other side. At this point, I think Romney's future looks promising enough that he doesn't have to worry about this incident.

  2. I think that his comment was not a very smart comment, but it will not effect the race that much. Most voters do not listen, that closely, to the behind the scenes people, so I feel that most voters will not take to much away from this comment. I do, however, think that he needs to make sure he checks his self before he wrecks him self.

  3. This comment merely adds to the GOP primaries embarrassment. These primaries have turned into a circus, from candidates singing of pizza to having inconsequential agendas. The one candidate who appeared electable in the general election, Romney, has been deemed an ambitious rich guy, who will say anything to gain power, clearly not a step in the right direction for Romney. While I think this will have little impact in the GOP nomination process, I do believe that this will come back to haunt him in the general election.

    1. I agree with Joe - it's just another thing to add onto the list of embarrassing things that have happened during the GOP primaries. It wasn't a smart move on Fehrnstrom's part but I don't think it will have that big of effect on the nomination.

  4. Way To Go Pal! The truth shall set you free and well..Romney has just been set free except he hasn't admitted it himself. Again, I say "just beat Obama". Romney will do everything in his ability to go up against Obama yet should he defeat Obama..some people still don't like him but Obama is no longer an issue. Etch a Sketch was a crafty comparison, I'll give it to him.

  5. I don't see what's so bad about this comment. I think it makes perfect sense and was an apt analogy. We even talked about how different the general election is from the primary election in class. You do have to change gears and start over. Therefore, I don't think that the criticism Romney's campaign team is taking is fair.

    1. A campaign advisor needs to highlight the positive and meaningful points of a campaign and present the candidate in a positive image. The "etch a sketch" comment sort of detracts from the image as if you don't like where it's going, you can erase or shake it up to start over. Normally making the best of a situation would be a plausible outcome but this sort of ideology isn't something one would like to openly admit to the public.

  6. This display of political frankness, while commendable, was extremely foolish. Everyone who knows anything about politics (us), was not surprised by the comment, only its source. For an editorialist to say this would be one thing, but when a campaign adviser, especially a Mitt Romney campaign adviser to say this is beyond reckless. The main complaint about Romney is that he doesn't have real political ideologies, he just plays the game. Every politician does to a degree, but they don't admit it. Mitt Romney's campaign admitting to its use of cold political tactics is like Barry Bonds admitting to using steroids: everybody knows he did it, but it's still not something anybody who handles their public image with any amount of shrewdness would ever do. It's ironic, then, that a Romney campaign adviser, supposedly the most tactical of them all, would make such a foolish blunder.

  7. The only criticism that this comment is getting is from the liberal networks, which viewers wont even play a part in closed primaries. I really dont think this will hurt Romney that much at all, due to the fact that it wasnt said by him, and that it really was an innocent comment that doesnt really make anyone cringe too bad. No big deal Romdawg. you still got it.

  8. This is exactly what Romney didnt need to happen. I think that the only thing that is holding Romney and his campaign back from pulling away in the Republican election is the altering of policies. I dont know why ROmney's top advisers couldnt figure that out. Comparing Romney's campaign to an Etch a Sketch is definitely detrimental for the campaign.


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