Thursday, January 31, 2013

Boy Scouts Reconsider Ban On Gays

As I Boy Scout, I am curious to see what everyone thinks about this talk about a new change in BSA policy. Currently, you are not allowed to be in Boy Scouts if you are gay. This applies to both youth and adults. They are now talking about lifting that ban. This is open to anyone, I am just curious to see what you guys have to say.

The White House’s curious silence about Obama’s claim of skeet shooting

I found this article to be interesting but humerous because gun rights seems to be a very important topic especially after Newtown. President Obama was quoted saying “Yes, in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time.”. An investigation was done trying to see if this could be proved true, but not all evidence was lining up. This can also tie back to the media being a watchdog because something that people would not take as something important was blown up more than it needs to be.

As seen under "The Pinocchio Test" heading, the article says  "The evidence suggests that until Obama had access to a shooting range as president, he never went skeet shooting. He certainly did not speak like a politician who had once used a firearm." I agree with this statement but does it really matter to me if President Obama has gone skeet shooting once or multiple times? No.

Failure of Filibuster Reform Jeopardizes Legislative Agenda

This article goes well with what we are learning in class. It hilights the use of the Republican's use of the filibuster in the senate. After 2010 the Democrat's had the majority of 59-41 but lost a few seats after the 2012 election where there are currently 56-44 Democratic seats. The article also states that "any senator can 'hold' a bill without having to be publicly identified or to provide any explanation for that hold."

I believe that because of the two parties that there usually be a political gridlock present and the filibuster helps with that. The Republicans were still able to bring business to a "near halt" with the minority party.  A 60 person majority is difficult enough to get for a vote and I can only imagine how much harder it was when it had to be 66.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Immigration Shifts Could Provide Opening for Compromise

This is an article from the New York Times, talking about how over the past couple years the number undocumented immigrants from Mexico crossing the border has decreased, ans how that could help open compromises for the immigration plan. The are many reasons to why the number of crossing the Mexican border illegally. Like for example the number of people at the age of 30 are declining and most of the people who come illegally are below the age of 30. Not only that but the improvement of security also helped to the decline of this number. Personally after reading this article, I think there is a good chance that something related with the immigration will be passed.

As Graduates Rise in China, They Say No Thanks to Factory Jobs

I found this article really interesting and it caught my eye. I am happy that the Chinese graduates are not taking factory jobs. I understand that most of our products are made in China; but now if they stop taking jobs, maybe the United States may start making their own stuff again. I think that would be good for our debt and for jobs. What do you guys think?

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Obama's New Immigration Proposal

Seeing an opening, President Obama pressed upon congress to act quickly to put 11 million illegal immigrants on the path to citizenship. With the upcoming legislative debate, President Obama is working on pushing his own plan that came just days after a bipartisan proposal that was very similar to his own. But President Obama's revealing of his proposal showed cracks in the plan. Such cracks include no tighening on border control which would ultimately lead to the same situation in a few years. So it remains to be seen how the debate will play out and whether the legislative plans are approved, especially with the large amount of hispanic popularity President Obama has.

New Senate Rules to Curtail the Excesses of a Filibuster

Republicans and Democrats have recently worked together(SHOCKER!) to limit filibusters' effectiveness in contributing to the gridlock that currently plagues today's congress. Legislation will still be slow, but at least it is a bipartisan reform and a step in the right direction. The votes for the measures were passed by an overwhelming majority of the senators. It is also stated that the Republicans are going to apparently give up their tactic of killing bills before they even get off the ground as well. It is nice to see that the politicians can agree on at least some of these issues and find common ground. As long as we make small steps in the right direction, we will eventually work our way out of the gridlock and back into effective bipartisan policy making.

Kerry Sails Through the Senate as Secretary of State

The Senate confirmed John Kerry as the secretary of state with a vote of 94 to 3 over Ted Cruz, John Cornyn, and James Inhofe. Kerry became the front runner for the job after President Obama's first choice Susan Rice dropped out after strong criticism from republicans after her comments on the Benghazi attack. Kerry has served as the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee during Mr. Obama’s first term and as an interlocutor with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan. Kerry has the international qualifications and the support from President Obama as well as a grasp on the wide range of international issues facing the country. Former secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, says she expects Kerry to take aim on narrowing the gaps between Isareal and Palestine which I believe is one of the more pressing issues facing the international community and is deserving of his attention. But only time will tell how good of Secretary Kerry will do.

Alex Jones: Enlightened or Insane?

In this video pro-gun conservative(and I feel even that is an understatement) Alex Jones of Texas debates Piers Morgan on gun control laws.  Alex Jones was one of a few people to orchestrate a petition to have Piers Morgan deported for what he said. He calls Piers a "hatchet man" for Obama and many other offensive things. While he does cite sound facts ultimately I feel as though he comes across as a raving lunatic who happens to be extremely rude, believing the government will turn to communism and oppression should the 2nd amendment be taken away;however, while Alex Jones is very focused on guns, I also noticed he has many other things concerning politics(so Nora don't kill me). He has a website, a radio show, and a YouTube channel. What unnerves me is how paranoid and seemingly mad Alex Jones is and yet he still has managed to attract  a significant following. I included links to other points of interest below.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Militants Seize Americans and Other Hostages in Algeria

Americans Held Hostage in Algerian Gas Field Raid

After an attempt by the French military to assault Islamist extremists in Mali, they reacted by raiding an internationally-run gas field in Algeria and abducting the employees there. At least twenty foreign hostages were taken, some of whom were American. This is a difficult situation for the US since Obama has been trying to avoid Northern Africa despite the region becoming "a new haven for extremists affiliated with Al Qaeda who threaten Western security and vital interests." Islamist extremists actually threatened to attack any Western influence after France's military intervention against them last week. As if the US didn't have enough problems, they now have to deal with a region filled with anti-American sentiment. These extremist groups get their money from ransoms obtained from abducting international citizens, so they will not be afraid to attack another Western company in their land again.  

Pushback on Obama's Plan to Stem Gun Violence

Pushback on Obama's plan to stem gun violence

On Wednesday, Obama proposed a ban on military assault weapons and high-capacity magazine while also setting more strict background checks on all gun sales. Theses laws have to go through Congress, meaning that it will probably be dropped. Many members of the GOP disagree with these laws, such as Marco Rubio, who said that "Nothing the president is proposing would have stopped the massacre at Sandy Hook." I personally disagree and think that these laws are a good first step in reducing the amount of gun crimes in the U.S. I would like to see more emphasis on mental illness in the country though, since that is one of the recurring factors in recent mass shootings. This topic will continue to be talked about for a while, especially with increasing support for gun control and increasing participation and financial contributions for the NRA.  

Monday, January 14, 2013

Obama Raising the Debt Ceiling

Obama makes opening move in this year’s debt ceiling debate. This article talks about the speech Obama made today where he declared he his plans of raising the debt ceiling for this year. Obama claims this is a necessary action in order to stop America's habit of “lurching from crisis to crisis to crisis.” and prevent it from becoming a "deadbeat nation". The fact that Obama is showing little disregard for the opinions of the Republicans on this issue is aggravating. However, what upsets me about his plan here is that he is merely continuing to kick the can down the road, rather than dealing with America's debt problem. Consistently claiming that now is not the time/ we cannot pay this debt off right now, only allows for America's debt to continuously increase.

Newtown Victims Looking for Answers

Families of Newtown Victims Look for Answers on Gun ViolenceRecently several parents whose children were killed in the Sandy Hook shooting attended the national debate on gun violence this past Monday. In hopes to prevent any similar tragedies, they have begun a nonprofit organization. Here they requested a "national dialogue around issues of mental health, school safety and what their organization, called Sandy Hook Promise, described as “gun responsibility."" What is most interesting in this article, is that the families of the victims have spoken little of their opinions of what changes should be made. Tim Makris, one of the group's 17 founders, claimed it is not taking any big stances--choosing to educate themselves first and focusing on their community at hand. While showing gratitude towards Obama and Biden, he claims they do not have an immediate response. The group desires the nation to thoroughly discuss the different types of measures that could be taken because what has already been done has not "gotten us very far" as a nation. There is a need "to do something different" he says. I am in complete agreeance with Makris and find it commendable that he and the victims are taking the time to think future actions through. 

Makers of Violent Video Games Marshal Support To Fend Off Legislation

I chose this article for a few reasons.
1. It involves a lobbying group, which is something we were talking about in class last week.
2. I find the NRA's claims to be a little ridiculous. From what I have heard, there is no conclusive evidence that violent video games have led to an increase in school shootings. In fact, how do you classify which games are and aren't violent? You can kill people in a game like Zoo Tycoon by releasing lions, but that's not causing people to open lion cages for their own amusement. I find the argument to be flimsy, but I want to see your opinions.

Biden Meets With House Democrats on Gun-Violence Proposals

An interesting article I found off of the New York Times. It is about Vice President Joe Biden's push for legislation concerning the use of assault weapons. This is, of course, in response to the Newtown Shootings as well as to follow up on the vow Obama made, saying that he would try to impose new gun regulations. I thought it was good, so here it is for all of you to take a look.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Pro-Life Group Uses Sandy Hook Speech in Ad

While the video is a bit over the top with the music and presentation, I think what it points out on how the argument for gun control parallels the argument against abortion is important, especially for the latter, where government policy would clearly make a difference.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Obama’s Cabinet diversity in danger with new picks

Sorry, I don't the title link  worked.

This article is about the diversity, or lack of in Obama's cabinet appointments for his second term. All of the new appointments are white men. I don't think if this is a truly terrible problem, but it would be nice to see some diversity in the new nominees. I definitely think that there is going to be a lot more publicity on this than maybe is necessary.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

More 'cliffs' to come in new Congress

I don't think the title thing  worked. Sorry!

This article is about how the new Congress is going to have to deal with the debt ceiling and the national deficit in February  This is just after the last Congress narrowly missed the "Fiscal Cliff". Will we raise the debt ceiling?  I don't know, but I know something is going to have to be done and it is going to take some serious compromising from both sides.

Judge Says Harsh Detention Is Not Cause to Drop Charges in WikiLeaks Case

This article discusses the so-called harsh punishment of Private Manning, a former Army Intelligence analyst, whom was accused of providing military and diplomatic documents to the group WikiLeaks. Manning and his lawyers argued that his harsh punishment while at Quanico should relieve him of his charges in the WikiLeaks case. Judge Lind did not feel as if he deserved to be pardoned from  his charges in the WikiLeaks case but she did award him credited days for each action taken by the Marine Corp brig staff that she decided to be excessively harsh.

Private Manning did not deserve to be pardoned any days for the actions that he took  in the WikiLeaks case. He committed a crime and must serve his full term in order to prove to him and other people that these kind of actions will not be tolerated. Judge Lind went very easy on Private Manning. If I were the judge in the case I would not have been as generous as Judge Lind. The punishment he endured was not to harm him but rather to keep him safe from himself.

Cuomo to Press for Wider Curbs on Gun Access

This article discusses Governor Andrew Cuomo's push to enact stronger gun laws in New York. Cuomo's plan does not only alter the current assault weapons ban but it rewrites it and also pushes for a more thorough search for mental illness through the background checks, lower capacity magazines and periodic recertification of gun permits. If enacted, Cuomo's plan will not only ban assault weapons but it will also make it nearly impossible for gun manufactereurs to find loopholes and be able to rebuild their assault weapons to fit the rules addressed in the ban. Cuomo's biggest obstacle is the Republican Senate. He has recently fought for the right to gay-marriage and does not feel as if it will be beneficial to plead with the Republican Senate for stronger gun laws.

I completely agree with Governor Cuomo's plan to act stronger gun laws. I believe that our country as a whole should follow the idea of Governor Cuomo. He did not come up with this plan to take away our freedoms but instead to protect the American people as a whole. I do not feel as if this complete ban on assault weapons is over dramatic. It seems clear to me that the best way to protect the American people is to ban the thing that is taking so many lives every year. After the shooting in Newtown, we can realize that those young lives were taken by a weapon that should not have been allowed in the hands of the public. Those young lives were lost because we allow anyone to own a gun and with that, we are not protecting our youth or any other citizen of the United States.

Under Obama, a Skew Towards Male Appointees

Under Obama, a Skew Towards Male Appointees

Each of President Obama's top 10 advisers discussing intense fiscal matters on December 29 was a man, and since then he has put together a national security team dominated by men. While he has a greater number of women than George W. Bush had, there are significantly more men than women getting White House jobs under Obama. Many believe he should be working towards making it closer to a 50:50 ratio, and that women need more representation. However, he and those of his staff claim that he works towards having a diverse group of people and opinions. There doesn't seem to be one sole reason for the lack of female staff members. While Obama can appoint whomever he wants, there tend to be more men who step up and apply for governmental jobs, as it has been a male dominated area. There are a lot of other people in charge of putting people up as an applicant, so it is obviously not all up to Obama.

While I love the idea of having more governmental women to look up to, I don't want them to be hired just because people want to appear more diverse. I want people in Congress who are best for the job, regardless of sex, race, etc. If women want to be represented more, they should go out there and try for those jobs.

Huge Amounts Spent on Immigration, Study Finds

Huge Amounts Spent on Immigration, Study Finds

The Migration Policy Institute released a report on Monday stating that the Obama administration spent $18 billion on immigration enforcement last year. This was a significantly  larger amount than it spent on all other major federal law enforcement agencies combined. The report claimed that immigration control has become "the federal government's highest criminal law enforcement priority," based on the large amount of money and other resources spent to monitor foreigners coming into the U.S. and deporting illegal immigrants. In fact, the Department of Homeland Security's two main immigration enforcement agencies have referred more cases to the courts for prosecution than all of the Justice Department's law enforcement agencies combined. These agencies included big ones such as the F.B.I. and the Drug Enforcement Administration. Some say these reports were misleading, while others claim that there has, in fact, been a huge increase in spending for immigration enforcement, of "historic heights."

I was pretty shocked to find that so much money was being spent on immigration enforcement, especially since it is in such stark contrast to the amount of money spent on such big and important enforcement agencies such as the F.B.I. I didn't know Obama was so strongly against illegal immigrants, as he has fought for giving illegal teens a chance at education and citizenship. It alarmed me to read that more immigrants were being removed without any formal proceeding before an immigration judge. Yes they may be illegal, but these are still people we're talking about, with families to support. Also, I believe that there are more important law enforcement agencies to focus resources on.

Their Apps Track You. Will Congress Track Them?

In this article, it talks about how Congress believes that apps that need your location offer too much information and cause privacy problems to the person who allowed the app on their mobile device. Mr. Franken, a Minnesota Senator, says that the app provides too much information that the app does not need. It tells the app creators where a person lives, where his or her job is, etc. The App creators respond in a way saying that they need this information to produce ads that are around that person at that time.

I feel that it should be up to the person who has the mobile device. Most mobile devices today have something that pops up (at least my phone does) asking whether or not you want your location o be used in the app. If App creators did this, it wouldn't be a problem. It is really up to the person and how they feel about someone, if they really are, tracking you.

After Newtown, Congress Must Act on Guns, Pelosi Says

In this article, Nancy Pelosi says that if we come out of this shooting without change, it would be a dereliction of duty on part of the office. Nancy Pelosi goes on to say that there must be a way the Democrats and the Republicans can agree on this change. Later on in the article, they address the problem not as "gun control," but as "gun violence prevention." The article also talks about raising the debt limit.

I feel as though there needs to be a change in the gun control, but not as extreme as some may think. If anything, have a background check and see if there person was ever in jail, committed a crime, or has any disabilities (more mentally than physically). I am curious as to what they will settle on. What do you guys think?