Monday, March 12, 2012

Gas prices a drag on Obama's numbers

As gas prices begin to shoot up, Obama's ratings begin to plummet. Gas prices have gone up significantly in the past month and are predicted to continue going up. This obviously isn't a good sign going into the November election because, well, no one likes paying for gas. Will these energy problems be enough to sway voters away from Obama to the conservative side? We will see.


  1. I dont think, in the end, that this will hurt him too bad. I mean yes, it's making his numbers go down a little bit, but it all depends on if people think that conservatives can fix the problem. I'm not sure that this is 100% Obamas fault either, it's all dependent on whats going on outside of the United States.

  2. I'm sure our fellow racers at the track are pretty furious about these prices. They ain't puttin no 89 in their big blocks. Surely, this is doesn't affect everyone due to other sources of public transportation. By the time you drive from your home to your workplace and back you spend about $8 or something..$8 and hour, 3 hour shift $24 earned - $8 for gas your down to $16…of course its worse for those who are poorly paid but really unless you're driving some wickedly good car on gas I don't understand how the gas prices wouldn't aggravate you. People have cars that eat gas…I just looked at my credit card that I only use for gas and "supposedly" I owe around $500.. Things are getting a little bit weird.

  3. Yesterday, I paid $45 for a tank of gas and almost cried a lot. That doesn't mean that I like Obama any less. I'm not an expert in the situation so I'm not sure how much he really can do about the situation. However, my senses are telling me that he can't really do much about it. I agree with Garrett that this shouldn't hurt Obama's approval ratings too badly. It's a bad situation but a lot of people are recognizing that the economy is starting to improve and are putting Obama's face to that. Also, he killed Bin Laden. #justsaying

    1. I agree 100% with Gio here. I think that gas prices are something that are out of Obama's control. Just because gas prices are going up doesn't make Obama any less of a president. Gas prices are always fluctuating, so I don't see why it's such a huge deal that they're rising right now.

  4. Newt Gingrich appears to have taken notice of this possible leverage. He has decided that he will not only bomb Iran, but also lower gas prices to $2.50. Now, like Gio, I'm no expert, but my intuition tells me that that it is not possible to do both. It's also not possible for the President to control gas prices regardless of whether or not he's bombing his suppliers, because he cannot control the world economic market. Gas prices are significantly cheaper in the US than in Europe. But because gas prices are so ubiquitous, people think they can be controlled by their government. People have been complaining about gas prices ever since gas has become a universal expense. The only way Obama could solve this "crisis" would be to make gas free, and the only way to make gas free would be to conquer the Middle East and then adopt a socialist economy, and WE HATE SOCIALISM! Obama cannot control gas prices, and he cannot count on the votes of people who think Newt Gingrich's plan is plausible, because those people reject reality and are also probably racist. If I was Obama, and I lost the presidency over gas prices, I would tip my cap, file for a Canadian passport, buy a Prius, and never come back.

    1. I do agree that gas prices are going up...a lot. I, however, do not think that it is all his fault. There are problems in the middle east that our out of Mr. President's hands. Israel and Iran are in a serious conflict, one that O'bama is handling very delicately. But he does not have too much control if they decide to go to war and not ship oil to us at a reasonable price. He can negotiate and talk all he wants, but really it comes down to what the countries want.

  5. It's clear that gas prices are going to be an extremely centrical point of the upcoming election. It would certainly be in Obama's best interest to do everything he can to lower these gas prices because the republicans are going to definitely attack him over it. It will be interesting to hear each of the candidates' plans for reducing the cost of oil.

  6. I believe what is going to happen is right around election time gas prices will temporally drop probably to a low of $3.51 a gallon. But gas prices is the least of our problems right now. We have much bigger issues to focus on and I believe that is Obama's approach. I think once election time strolls around gas will be cheaper and people will like Obama again.

  7. The economy makes or breaks most elections, and whether we like it or not, people are basing alot of their view points of the economy on gas prices. I think that this isnt the most important issue in the election, but Obama should try to lower prices if he wants to get reelected.


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