Monday, March 5, 2012

Focus on Super Sunday

With Romney winning Michigan and Arizona, Ohio is a much needed win for Santorum. If Romney gets the win here then it will be a HUGE sweep for him. Santorum has done a lot of work in Ohio, so it should be a close race.


  1. I don't know if this would be huge for romney because he only won michigan by a small amount, and considering it is his "home state" then he is very much behind on the vote. Romney needs to look strong, and only would if he won this. I believe that Santorum is looking forwards toa win in this primary.

  2. Honestly I think Romney's ideas can be a bit extreme. He definitely hasn't been really connecting with me.."Mitt Doesn't Know How to Pump His Own Gas" <<---Classic. Santorum's success in Iowa and Michigan really says something about Romney's weaknesses, I agree. He made positive efforts in showing up at places and saying hey I know what its like…but honestly I'm not quite sure has a great idea..

  3. This race is so sick, it's clearly going to come down to the wire. I do think that Romney will win though. With his money and less extreme ideas, I think he's the republican's best chance come November, but we all know that the extreme ideals of Santorum are going to be popular now because we're in a primary. However, I think the head of the republican party can see that Santorum is only winning in the primaries because he's appealing to extreme views of republicans. It's going to take a more moderate candidate to beat Obama.

  4. It really is an accomplishment for Santorum to come so far with so much less money than Romney, but I still think Romney will come through. The race will get closer and closer, but it would be embarrassing for Romney to lose the significant lead he has built up. The only way Santorum would win is if Newt dropped out, which would give all the true conservative votes to Rick.

  5. I think at this point Romney is going to win the nomination. He's the strongest candidate they have and the party isn't stupid enough to pick Santorum...maybe. However, the campaigning that he's doing to try to appeal to the common man is just condescending and a little mebarrassing for him. Really? Tell me more about your NASCAR team-owning friends. While you're at it, tell me what you're going to do about the country's problems. He's going to win the nomination but not by support of the blue collar workers.

  6. This nomination is turning out to be a lot closer than it really should be. It's pretty obvious that Santorum's extremist views won't give him a shot vs. Obama if he is selected as the nominee. At this point Romney is just getting weaker and weaker-- losing both support and money. Would a Santorum dropout be better for the party?

  7. The nomination is turning out a lot closer than most people expected, and I think that Santorum is going to win the nomination... God knows why though... But Santorum has no shot against Obama in the presidential election. For a republican to beat Obama, they need a more moderate candidate, and Santorum certainly is not that.

  8. This nomination has become much closer than I think the public anticipated. Over the past few days Santorum has really turned up the heat in the primaries. Santorum connects to the people more than Romney and I think we are going to be in for a surprise down the upcoming stretch. Because of how long this taking though, as we have discussed in class, the Republicans are killing their already slim chance at winning.

  9. Romney is losing momentum, but it seems to me that the Republicans are continuously crippling themselves for the presidential election in November. The more that the Republicans bicker and denounce eachother, the more support Obama is going to have going into the election.

  10. Santorum is hanging in there even after a loss in Ohio. Right now Santorum has half the delegates Romney has and things do not look like they are about to change. By now I believe that this race is basically over, the only outcomes possible from here would be to hurt Romney's electability.


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