Monday, March 12, 2012

Gingrich should bow out, back Santorum

This is an opinion article that says that Gingrich should back out of the nomination. He's finished well behind Santorum and Romney in several caucuses, and even behind Ron Paul in a few. He's had a good run, but at this point it seems like he's just wasting people's time and money.


  1. I've been saying this for weeeeeks. I think the only reason Gingrich hasnt is because of his pride. Gingrich said way back in December that Santorum should drop out, so it would be humiliating if he now dropped out and backed Santorum. However, if Gingrich backed out, Santorum would pretty much make this race more back and forth than it already is. However, i dont believe Gingrich will back out, even though he has no chance what so ever.

  2. Anybody with the name Newt first of all is never going to win the presidency. When you finish behind Ron Paul by more than one place…you know you're just a tad bit behind. His opportunities to strike in conservative states were missed. Newt is trying to run the mile in less than six minutes but at this point Santorum is the better athlete to complete the job. I agree with the Gerrymanderer in that the race will simply further itself back and forth between candidates should Gingrich(which he maybe…) drop out.

  3. Gingrich is stupid. Santorum is stupid. Romney is stupid. Paul is old. Gingrich should just drop out and try and start a moon colony on his own. I'm sure there is some organization somewhere that would love to support him in his efforts. As far as I'm concerned, Paul isn't even in the race anymore and Gingrich shouldn't be. By dropping out and giving support to Santorum, he will be making the race a lot closer than Romney anticipated. I feel like Santorum, Gingrich and Paul are basically all campaigning against Romney in the first place so Gringrich should probably be happy about giving more support and strength against him. At this point he's just splitting the numbers of the really conservative republican voters when he should be helping Santorum win them all.

  4. This idea of Newt Gingrich wanting to help Rick Santorum, or help any other living creature for that matter, help win anything is laughable. Newt is not in this because he has strong feelings about where the country should go, he's in the race because of power-lust. He wants to be in charge nuke any and all arabic nations into oblivion, build a statue of himself, and, ultimately, rule the world. Asking Newt to be a team player is like asking him to be thin: it's against his nature. Conventional logic would say that Newt is of the radical wing of the Rebuplican party and is taking away votes from that wing's only legitimate candidate, and he should therefore bow out and stop sabotaging his own ideological supporters (southern white men who are still upset about the Civil War and have "The South Will Rise Again" tatooed on their backs), but we are not dealing with a conventional man, we are dealing with one our generation's only genuine megalomaniacs.

    1. I do agree with this article whole heartily. Gingrich is getting smoked by everyone in the race. He, at this point, is just wasting his money and time. He is most likely staying in the race to get his idea and campaign across. I really hope he still does not think that he has a chance to all.

  5. I don't think that Gingrich should drop out. At least not yet. I thought that Santorum should've dropped out a month ago and support Gingrich or Romney, but now Santorum is suddenly a front runner. You can never truly know what will happen and Gingrich still has some support. I think he eventually will drop out, but I don't think now is the time.

  6. I believe that Gingrich should hanging up the skates (hockey reference) at this point there is no point in him continuing to run because he's not winning, plane and simple. Just like summary even said he is even losing to paul in some caucuses. At this point he is wasting his time, money, and energy. If anything he should use his money to at least support a candidate.

  7. I think that Gingrich should drop out at this point because clearly Romney and Santorum are the only 2 candidates getting anywhere in this campaign (unfortunately...). At this point, Gingrich is simply just wasting his time, money, and effort. I agree with Jake, that Newt is simply in this for power. It's just not worth it at this point anymore.

  8. Newt should have given up a while ago, and I don't even think that he should back up Santorum, because I believe that any government with Newt would be worsened. He is a very smart man, but likes to let everyone know all of the time, which can get very annoying. I believe that Gingrich should have no shot of being in the white house.

  9. While none of these candidates have much of a shot in the general election, Gingrich should throw in the towel and support his fellow conservative. The problem is that by making the primary more competitive for Romney, it lessens a Republicans chance of winning. So Gingrich dropping out to back Santorum is a smart thing for Gingrich and Santorum to do. Simply because it will give them a chance to win the primaries. However in the grand scheme of things, Gingrich's actions will further damage the Republicans' shot at the Presidency.

  10. I agree with Joe...I think at this point it is jsut a waste of money for Gingrich. It would most definitely benefit Gingrich to back Santorum because Santorum would most likely reward him with some sort of important position in the executive branch.


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