Thursday, April 30, 2015

Gay Marriage Arguments Divide Supreme Court Justices

Arguments for Obergefell v. Hodges, a combination of cases relating to same-sex marriage, was heard in the Supreme Court on Tuesday. The cases dealt with two main issues.

1. Should states recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states?
2. Should states be able to keep same-sex marriage illegal within their own borders?

With the Supreme Court seemingly split on the issue, Justice Kennedy is seen as the one who will break the tie when the decision, expected to come in June, is made. How would you answer the questions being posed?

The Baltimore minefield for 2016 hopefuls

The riots in the Baltimore have gotten significant attention this week. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that some potential and declared candidates for the presidency have given a few words on the matter. Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz make the argument that while the circumstances of Freddie Gray's death must be investigated, the rioting must stop. Rand Paul argues that the riots stem from cultural issues. Martin O'Malley has been under sharp criticism. How should the riots in Baltimore be dealt with? Should police tactics and training be reformed?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Clinton calls for body cameras on all police

Hillary Clinton is calling for all public police departments to require body cameras on their officers. To me, this sounds like a good idea. While it sounds like it infringes on privacy, police are publicly funded and are the most responsible for their actions, as our safety is their goal. If they are good cops and have nothing to hide, then this legislation should not pose a problem for anyone. I think that while it sounds like the scope of the government is growing unnecessarily, it is a good idea, because there have been way too many issues regarding police violence involving any race or demographic.
2 shot in Ferguson following Baltimore riots

Two people were shot in Ferguson following the riots in Baltimore that were caused by the latest fatality of a black man by police. Police are attempting to investigate however it's proving difficult due to rocks being thrown at them by angry onlookers. This is just another addition to the violence between police and angry citizens who believe the police are racist and unnecessarily brutal. While I feel for the victims and those who are targeted by police without reason, adding extra violence to the mix is not right and should not be expected to fix the issue.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Growing Pot Next Door to Congress

Two months ago, Washington D.C. voters approved an initiative that allows adults to carry up to 2 ounces of marijuana on them, as well as grow up to 6 plants in their homes. Congress went along with the voters and began implementing the laws on Friday. Though, Congress has placed regulations of trade so you cannot buy or sell marijuana in D.C. Do you think that it is right to have weed legal in  the nations capital, when it is illegal in the majority of the nation? Do you think the test in D.C. is just the beginning of marijuana being legal nation wide?

In an Already Troubled Nepal, a Picture of Despair Emerges

Even before the massive earthquake, Nepal was struggling with political tension and issues. The earthquake has made things much worse, leaving most citizens receiving no aid from their government. The severity of the earthquake stems from many things including the landscape of the area as well as poorly structured buildings. The earthquake has created a time of need for the Nepalis, this is when they really need there government to support them most.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

McConnell Introduces Bill to Extend Surveillance Under Patriot Act

This highly-controversial act is set to expire in June. Clearly, Republican leadership is in favor of renewing the Patriot Act. Personally, I oppose the mass surveillance of American citizens. What are your thoughts on the issue?

John McCain: Rand Paul is the 'Worst Possible Candidate' on National Security

McCain's comments have highlighted the growing divide in the Republican Party between conservatives and libertarians. He is referencing Rand Paul's promise to "immediately" end NSA mass surveillance of Americans if he is elected President. This is not the only issue that Republicans fail to agree on, and as time goes on, the ideological inconsistencies within the GOP will become more and more prevalent. Ultimately, I believe the party will choose to align itself with libertarian values and "modern" conservatism will become a thing to the past. Which route do you think the Party will take?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Warning Iran, U.S Sends Two More Ships to Yemen

as a warning to Iran, who has been shipping weapons to rebels in Yemen, the U.S. had sent two more warships on top of the other ten that were already in the waters of Yemen. The warships are about sending a message to Iran that the U.S. is watching and meant to reassure Saudi Arabia that the U.S. supports their bombing campaign against the rebels.

A New Comer to Populism? Hillary Clinton Begs to Differ

In her second run for office, Hillary Clinton is embracing the ideas of the populist party and Senator Elizabeth Warren. Clinton must convince voters she is a valuable messenger for inequality and prove her sincerity as a populist.