Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Donald Trump just handed Senate Democrats another lucky break

With an increasingly grim picture for Democrats as Trump chooses more and more cabinet members, the left needs as many breaks as they can get. Trump's appointment of Ryan Zinke greatly increases the chances of Democrats keeping a Montana Senate seat. At this point, every seat is vital.  Do you think that Zinke becoming Secretary of the Interior will benefit Senate Democrats? What are other "silver linings" for Democrats from Trump's appointments so far?

How Clinton lost Michigan-- and blew the election

Living in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, it is extremely difficult for Democrats and others who don't support President-Elect Trump to cope with the loss, especially as increasingly worrisome appointments are made. Looking back, there is no true way to know what really caused his unexpected victory, but exploring possible reasons for Clinton's loss could help make campaigns more successful in the future. According to the article, what are some possible reasons for the loss? Does hearing more about the campaign process in a state that she eventually lost bring any new reasons to light? How do you think Hillary's campaign could have been more effective?

Obama, paying tribute to Biden and bipartisanship, signs 21st Century Cures Act Tuesday

Obama, paying tribute to Biden and bipartisanship, signs 21st Century Cures Act Tuesday

This article is about President Obama who recently signed a bill into that aims to increase funding for medical research, speed the development and approval of experimental treatments, and overhaul federal policy on mental health care. This legislation passed with wide bipartisan support, and it highlights that politicians can still come together and make policies that help the American people. However, critics of this bill claim that the expedited pathway for approving new drugs could harm patients. If the new drugs are not proven to work and are potentially unsafe but have passed the regulations, there could be many negative consequences on patients. 

Do you agree with these critics? Should the regulations on new drugs be stricter even if it means that they will come out more slowly? The previous version of this bill stalled in the Senate for more than a year, what do you think was different this time? 

Senate and House Leaders Call for Inquiry of Russian Hacking in Election

Senate and House Leaders Call for Inquiry of Russian Hacking in Election

This article addresses the recent investigations regarding the possibility of Russian cyberattacks that might have influenced the election. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speak of the House Paul Ryan have both condemned any such efforts and have urged Democrats and Republicans to work together to support the investigation. This response from the two top Republicans in Congress could also foreshadow tension between Republicans in Congress and the president-elect, who has mocked theses findings. Furthermore, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman and many other Democrats have called for the CIA to release what they know about the hacking and claim that the Russian interference was solely to get Trump elected. 

Do you think Trump had anything to do with the Russian cyberattacks considering their relationship? What do you think will happen as a result of this investigation? Do you think the Electoral College will change their vote once more information is released? 

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Scientists are frantically copying U.S. climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump

On the topic of climate change and president elect Trump's appointment nominee for the head of the EPA, this article describes the efforts of scientists to preserve their research before it disappears.  Throughout this "guerilla archiving" process, many have begun fearing an almost 1984-esque future, in which Trump's cabinet with eradicate recent data on climate change in the US in order to further solidify their idea that it indeed does not exist. Others maintian the belief that they will instead be forced to end the collection of data, reducing its credibility by reducing the visible trends throughout the years.

Do you feel that this is an overexaggeration? Or does this seem like less and less of a stretch? Is the left wing consistantly digging for dirt to soil the name of our president elect? Is he not as bad as the liberal media makes him seem? So far, many of Trump's nominees have seemed like the polar opposites to their respective offices. Do you think this is an exaggeration as well, in which his candidates hold more merit than the media gives them credit for? Or are the only good things coming out of this election's results easy topics for Gov Blogs and SNL Skits?

George W Bush's Environment Chief slams Donald Trump for appointing climate change denier to run EPA

In this article, former head of the EPA Christine Todd Whitman give some choice words and very strong opinions regarding president elect Trump's own appointment, Scott Pruitt. She expresses to readers that she has "[never] seen an appointment of someone who is so disdainful of the agency and the science behind what the agency does".  Pruitt, who has been quoted stating that climate change is "subject to considerable debate", is known to have close ties with the fossil fuel company.

Ignoring your own personal opinons about climate change, do you feel that, as Whitman fears, this appointment will cause many experienced staff to leave? Or can the bureaucracy rise up and slow down whatever Pruitt tries to put into action? Will they even need to? Do you think that Trump has some logic in his appointments, or is he being influenced by outside forces? Is he actually just pulling names out of a "Make America Great Again" hat filled with the names of his top donators?

A Trump Economic Boom? The Fed May Stand in the Way

A Trump Economic Boom? The Fed May Stand in the Way

This article discusses Trump's plan for the economy and how his plan may affect the country. Trump has been pretty vague in these plans, but from what he has said, he wants to raise the economy much more than what is sustainable. Trump has gone back on his word a few times already though, so do you think that he will carry through with his plans? What do you think he should focus on the most in the regards to the economy? What do you think of these plans?

Reid: FBI director's letter cost Democrats the election, Senate

Reid: FBI director's letter cost Democrats the election, Senate

This article is about Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid saying the head of the  FBI was the reason that Hillary Clinton did not win the election. According to Reid if it weren't for him, not only would Hillary Clinton be president but  Democrats would have won at least two more Senate seats. Russian hacking in this election and how the government has been handling it has been in the news a lot lately. Do you believe Reid's allegations? Do you think that one person could have such an impact on the government in general?