Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Family Anguish for the Romney's-- Andrea Marinelli

Ron Paul is getting support in the Idaho caucuses. However, these supporters consist of distant relatives of Mitt Romney. Three fellow Romney's will be speaking on Ron Paul's behalf during the GOP caucuses. I sense some major family anguish in Mitt Romney’s household.


  1. That's quite a blow. Family not supporting family in a big matter such as this. Honestly, this is really funny. Perhaps he should host some sort of family event and work out a strategy for the the rest of his campaigning so he can get some family support. It's terrible that this family is supporting Ron Paul who just doesn't stand a chance.

  2. How must Romney feel after hearing this? If I were him I would go down to my relatives' house and tear them a new one. How can he expect strangers to support him if his own family doesn't. And not only do they not support Romney, they support Ron Paul who is an insignificant candidate at this point.

  3. I just find it funny cause the difference between Paul and Romney is vast. The relatives must obviously have views majorly different from Romney, because the two are almost nothing alike. Although it is low, due to the fact that family is family.

  4. Seems to me that Mitt is the awkward uncle who always hosts the family parties that nobody wants to go to. It's a bit of a slap in the face when your own family would rather vote for another candidate for president than somebody they're related to. It can't exactly help his actual supporters either. What would the people who support him say if they knew their candidate's own family doesn't even want him as president? #suckstosuck

  5. Paul is finally getting some quality support in a caucus-- it's just funny that the support isn't actually behind his stances and beliefs, but rather just because of some apparent issues. At this point it doesn't really matter that Paul's getting any sort of support. He's out of the nomination

  6. Oof, low blow for Romney... That must say something about him if his relatives aren't even supporting him. Good for Ron Paul that he's getting support, but at this p0int in the nominations, it doesn't even matter...

  7. Ron Paul is a joke. even with all the support in this caucus he has no shot of winning the nomination. If he were to win Idaho, which is a great potato state by the way, he would have only won a single state so far. I don't believe this puts him anywhere on the map.

  8. Ron Paul has some interesting policies that people either love or hate...I think that I fall into both catagories. I think that I like his social policies, but I disagree with many of his foreign affair policies and some economic poliices. He is the only candidate that I think is genuine in his beliefs.

  9. I agree with Jim 100%. He just want's people to know what he's all about. As for some of Romney's family supporting Paul and speaking upon his behalf that is kind of awkward... but they are distant so i doubt Romney cares.

  10. I definitely felt The Godfather coming alive in this. Family is family, and it is important to never go against the family. However, calling these people Romney's family is a bit of stretch. I don't even know if I have second cousins once removed, let alone have I met them. In addition to this, Ron Paul does not have a shot, he's there to communicate his ideas, and as long as he is running he has a podium on which to stand and communicate.


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