Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Load of You-Know-What

Obama fires back at the Republican candidates with a pretty high level of badassery. As the competition is getting more intense, Obama needed to set the bar for what kind of race he's going to run in. From the speech he made today, it seems he's chosen an aggressive campaign just like the Republican candidates have. Fighting fire with fire?

Santorum Plays Dirty...Just Like Everybody Else

Romney spoke out against Santorum saying he did something that was "deceptive and a dirty trick." What did Santorum do? Sent out calls urging Democrats to vote in the Michigan primary against Romney. Like Romney hasn't played any dirty or deceptive tricks in the campaign. I don't think Santorum did anything wrong. He's just using another campaign strategy. What's going to cross the line? What trick with Romney play back?

Avlon: 3 things you don't know about Arizona, Michigan

This article reveals three things that the average person doesn't know about the Arizona and Michigan primaries. The first "thing" that is discussed in the article is directly correlated to what we learned in class a week or two ago, which I thought was pretty engaging. I also learned from the article that Arizona has the 7th highest Mormon population, and apparently Mormons dig Romney.

Memo to Mitt Romney: We Get It. You’re Rich.

This is definitely a position article, and a very strongly positioned article at that. This is an interesting article about the wealth of Mitt Romney and how it affects his political campaign. How much do you think Romney's wealth negatively affects his campaign?
Does Romney flaunt his wealth too much? If so, how can he limit his "flaunting"?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In Republican Race, a New Breed of Superdonor

In this race, a new gorup of "Superdonors" have emerged. Giving millions of dollars to Super PACs early in the race. And what all these "Superdonors" have in common is: money. All these "Superdonors" come from a staunchly conservative base and are willing to give enormous amounts of money.

Romney Faces Unexpected Hurdles in Michigan

Although seemingly an easy win for Romney, due to a strong family name and Michigan being his home state, Romney could fall to Santorum. This would be a devastating blow to Romney's campaign, and could change the course of this race for the candidacy.

The importance of the Arizona debate

This article explains the HUGE importance of the upcoming debate, especially for Romney. Romney needs to get his name and his ideas back out there after the recent Santorum surge. Santorum leads in most of the polls now, so this debate is crucial for Romney to do well, and for Santorum not to screw up. I encourage you all watch it. I know I will.

Rick's Story

This story describes Santorum's career after losing his senate seat in 2006. It talks about his life as a columnist and some of his viewpoints at that time. It's not really a position article, yet more of a informal article about Santorum's job after the Senate.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Romney's likeability is dropping

I can't say I'm surprised. Everyone loves an underdog and Mitt Romney is anything but that. With Santorum's recent wins Romney's support is decreasing at an alarming rate. Americans are always quick to jump behind the guy who isn't favored and Romney needs to do something about his image in order to connect to more Americans, or we might be looking at a pretty big political upset. #upsetcity

should Gingrich throw in the towl?

The national review officials are calling for Gingrich to take a hike. Although this is shaping up to be a two person race between Santorum and Romney, I just don't think that Gingrich should give up that easy. I remember the time when I thought it was going to be Romney and Gingrich for the rest of the way. Oh yeah that was two weeks ago. It's amazing what can happen in such short periods of time and with the polls showing a lack of trust in any candidate from the voters, I think it would be worth it for Gingrich to stick it out until the end.

Obama meets with China's leader-to-be

President Obama welcomed China's next leader at the White House, and set a tone for future relations between the US and China. Tomorrow, Xi will meet with congressional leaders on Capitol Hill and discuss a major policy address. Xi said the purpose of his visit was to strengthen U.S.-Chinese relations and build a "cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual interests."

Monday, February 13, 2012

Mitt is strugglin' despite winning the Maine caucus

Romney has a bad week, and a good weekend. David Frum, author of the article says that Romney had to get involved in the contraception controversy, and the gay rights issue. He says that Romney's losses to Santorum is what is causing him to be more involved with social issues.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hilarious Must-Read: Congressman Mistakes "Onion" Article for Truth

This is too funny.  I won't even tell you what the subject of the "article" is.  Just read it for yourself.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Santorum shifts into another gear

Santorum has pulled ahead in the Missouri and Minnesota caucuses as the projected winner. With Colorado still processing results, Romney and Santorum both share 37% of the vote - either way, the uphill struggle our more conservative candidate has led with both his ailing daughter and candidacy seems to have gotten a breath of fresh air.

This is no way changes my opinion towards him, or any of the Republican Runners.

Proposition 8 found to be pretty gay

Proposition 8, which passed in 2008 in California with 52% for 48% against, was just recently uplifted, denounced as unconstitutional, and harmful to gays and lesbians.

This upheaval only applies to Proposition 8, and does not affect other states. As of the current day states are still able to accept or deny same sex mariages.

My real thoughts on this sort of topic is why people are so inclined to think that other's sexuality is there business, and inhibits any sort of productivity they are effectively able to carry out. Why do you care?

Chris Christie Doesn't Understand Civil Rights Movement

When talking about how he would veto any gay marriage bill brought forth to his desk, Chris Christie made the rather bold decree that "People would have been happy to have a referendum on civil rights rather than fighting and dying in the streets in the South." Hmm...

People Getting Sick of Occupy Wall Street

This article references comments made by liberal comedian Bill Maher about the Occupy movements and wonders if they are reflective of generally souring opinions. Do you think it's time for the Occupy people to go home? Should they have been there in the first place? Do they still matter?

Romney's Political Strategist Reveals the "State of the Campaign"

Interesting "memo" from the Romney campaign.  Gives insight into where they are, how they see the upcoming primary contests, and the path they see to the nomination.