Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Memo to Mitt Romney: We Get It. You’re Rich.

This is definitely a position article, and a very strongly positioned article at that. This is an interesting article about the wealth of Mitt Romney and how it affects his political campaign. How much do you think Romney's wealth negatively affects his campaign?
Does Romney flaunt his wealth too much? If so, how can he limit his "flaunting"?


  1. When asked if he was a stock-car racing fan, Mr. Romney said, “I have some great friends who are Nascar team owners.”

    “I like those fancy raincoats you bought,” he said to a group of fans wearing plastic ponchos. “Really sprung for the big bucks.”

    -I don't think this guy has a clue what it's like to be middle class. Most of us buy or appropriate ourselves in order to serve a purpose or function and nothing beyond that. Intentional or not, Romney's point is lost on me, as all I see is a man who enjoys poking at others with his million dollar stick, and I'm sure a good portion of the country feels the same way.

  2. I was honestly a bit unaware of how he's actually shown that he likes to talk about how he's wealthy. I remember the discussion of how his words were jumbled around about "firing people" . The man made a $10,000 bet with Perry..I'm not sure if that was the most brilliant idea. His sarcasm isn't necessarily always considered sarcasm especially when you're at Daytona Speedway and the people already know that Romney is filthy rich. With his wealth and success I suppose it makes him feel "extra" powerful? I think he should keep some of him comments to himself.

  3. I think him being rich is not a bad thing at all. Him being rich just means that he knows how to make money, save money and handle money. That can be a very good thing for our country. Im not saying we need a president who flaunts his wealth, but we need someone who knows what do with money and how to allocate it.

  4. No one enjoys feeling inferior and Romney flaunting his wealth is definitely a minus. In addition to this, this immensely wealthy individual is campaigning for the top 1% while trying to appeal to the other 99% as well. His wealth during this time of economic turmoil will definitely affect Romney negatively, and instead of trying to keep low key, he continually makes unnecessary comments. Things will not go over well--especially in a general election--if Romney keeps it up.

  5. Having a great wealth in a presidential campaign can be kind of a weird situation. If you have enough money to out-advertise your opponent, theoretically you have enough money to convince people that you're not out of touch. It's just a matter of how well you are able to convince the public. At the end of the day, Romney's money is an advantage, but it its worth is lessened by the fact that it's his, not from donors. Some people even connect Romney's fortune with administrative capability and value his "business experience" during a time when our economics our perceived to be in need of some refinement.

  6. Yeah I agree with Joe, even though this is probably beneficial in terms of campaign money, it's definitely not going to have a good effect of the public's view on him. Most of America is the middle class, and therefore, won't like seeing politicians that have loads more money than them. Especially considering the current economic state. It should be interesting to see whether this effect on the public will overpower the obvious advantage being rich brings.

  7. I'm going to have to agree with Aidan and Joe. It just make Romney seem more cocky. Yes, it is good for him to have all this money. But he certainly doesn't need to go around flaunting it like he is. This is going to anger a lot of constituents considering that most Americans are middle class, and the economy isn't in such great shape right now.

  8. I think the only way it hurts him is that his opponents can say that he's not in touch with the "average Joe" because he's always been wealthy. However, his wealth alone should not be a reason to not vote for him. He shouldn't have to apologize for being successful and if he wants to pour his money into this campaign then let him.

  9. I watched a nice saturday night live that made the best comparison of Romney to the people. They made many a joke about how much more money he has than most of America. The sad part here is that it is so true. Romney is too far rich for any of the American people to be able to see him in their shoes. He needs to live a few weeks in the shoes of a small business person to know what it is like for the true American.

  10. I don't think that he is purposely making these remarks because he is a stuck up rich guy I think he has just said the wrong things at the wrong time. Regardless, he is running to be the republican candidate in the presidential election and he has to be careful with what he says. He should not be mad at the other republican contenders for trying to make him look bad. There trying to win.

  11. Oh this is a huge problem for Romney. It's one of the main reasons why people feel that they cant connect with him, because they feel that he just doesnt have a clue what is going on in the outside world. Some of the things that he says make you cringe, like when he said that he has a couple Cadillacs...like oh Mitt...please stop talking. Obama is just as wealthy as him, but Obama does a far better job of concealing his wealth, and therefore connecting with the outside world. Mitt needs to tone it down will all the money talk, and stop betting people 10,000 bucks during debates like it's pocket change.


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