Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Load of You-Know-What

Obama fires back at the Republican candidates with a pretty high level of badassery. As the competition is getting more intense, Obama needed to set the bar for what kind of race he's going to run in. From the speech he made today, it seems he's chosen an aggressive campaign just like the Republican candidates have. Fighting fire with fire?


  1. I think that this is a sign that President Obama is clearly ready for the presidential election. Undoubtedly his team has been forming arguments as they watch these republican primaries and I think Obama just couldn't help but use one here.

  2. I think that fighting fire with fire for O'bama is a bad idea. If he attacks harshly then his opponent will fire back harder and maybe bring up old skeletons. Also fighting back vigorously can be bad because it is much easier to be slandered and makes a bad image.

  3. Barack dropping some match on some kerosine i see and enjoying the view…First of all saying "thats a load of you-know-what" isn't appropriate. I totally agree with The Gerrymanderer in that its not smart of Obama to be taking early shots..because well…he's just going to get wrecked by previous problems used against him.

  4. It's good that he's obviously ready for the upcoming election-- taking shots and such. But I don't know if this approach is necessarily the right choice. Granted, conservatives are taking some shots at him, but I don't think he should stoop to that level-- yet at least.

  5. This more direct attacks will serve to undermine the Republican candidates even further, although at this point the Republican candidates look fairly weak. Obama was catering to his audience, obviously the auto workers would be in favor of a bailout. And if the auto industry is truly turning around then Obama has another feather in his cap for the upcoming race. I do not see these direct attacks as hurting Obama, the other candidates have been playing dirty and they were not going to stop merely because the general election is coming up.

  6. Good that Obama is ready for the election, but this more direct attack isn't his best idea. I mean, I completely understand why Obama took shots at the Republican candidates, but maybe he could have been a little less aggressive for now.

  7. As much as I like Obama saying what everybody is thinking, sometimes a President needs to presidential. I don't think this particular comments counts as "sinking to their level," but I think that's something should keep his eye on. American political culture, thanks to the tea-party surge, has devolved into some kind of a populist movement where anybody should be allowed to serve in Congress. That type of attitude has carried the tragically under-qualified candidates (Perry, Bachman), candidates who think college is for elitists, gay marriage is a gateway to beastility, and are willing to say those things aloud in front of a lot people (Santorum), and candidates who make you wonder "How does he have a driver's license?" (Cain), to the top of polls, and putting the sweater-vested one in a position that could plausibly make him the President. For that reason, I'd like Obama to resist this trend in political culture, remain refined and restrained, and return competency and dignity to the government. I'm not saying he should start wearing velvet robes and speak with an English accent, only to make some effort to distinguish himself from the average citizen.

  8. Obama, what a guy, never gives up, he's just like my favorite idol, Rocky balboa, fights the strongest enemies but gives it his all. Obama needs to fights, if he were to be a lame-o and not fight back against the republicans, then he would be just setting himself up to lose. If you want to win the presidency, then you have to fight with all you have, because if you don't fight with everything you have got, you're setting yourself up for failure. #wrestledanalligatortussledwithawhalehandcuffedlightningthrewthunderinjail

  9. I like what obama is doing here. I think its a good move on his part to give this speech during such a critical primary day. Obama is setting the bar of the up coming campaign by sending the Republicans (and Mit Romney a message).

    1. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Yes, it makes Obama seem like a guy who's willing to fight for his spot in office, but like Mr. Danson said, Voters respond poorly to negative campaigning. So is he sinking to their level? Or is he, like gio said, fighting fire with fire? I'm just not sure.

    2. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Yes, it makes Obama seem like a guy who's willing to fight for his spot in office, but like Mr. Danson said, Voters respond poorly to negative campaigning. So is he sinking to their level? Or is he, like gio said, fighting fire with fire? I'm just not sure.

    3. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Yes, it makes Obama seem like a guy who's willing to fight for his spot in office, but like Mr. Danson said, Voters respond poorly to negative campaigning. So is he sinking to their level? Or is he, like gio said, fighting fire with fire? I'm just not sure.

    4. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Yes, it makes Obama seem like a guy who's willing to fight for his spot in office, but like Mr. Danson said, Voters respond poorly to negative campaigning. So is he sinking to their level? Or is he, like gio said, fighting fire with fire? I'm just not sure.

    5. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Yes, it makes Obama seem like a guy who's willing to fight for his spot in office, but like Mr. Danson said, Voters respond poorly to negative campaigning. So is he sinking to their level? Or is he, like gio said, fighting fire with fire? I'm just not sure.


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