Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Santorum Plays Dirty...Just Like Everybody Else

Romney spoke out against Santorum saying he did something that was "deceptive and a dirty trick." What did Santorum do? Sent out calls urging Democrats to vote in the Michigan primary against Romney. Like Romney hasn't played any dirty or deceptive tricks in the campaign. I don't think Santorum did anything wrong. He's just using another campaign strategy. What's going to cross the line? What trick with Romney play back?


  1. Good for Santorum, Although I see Romney's point, this is a republican primary, democrats shouldn't be involved. However, I think this move shows that Santorum will do whatever it takes to win and this campaign has gotten ugly at times. When the going got tough, Santorum got going (see what I did there) and I don't see anything wrong with that.

  2. I think playing dirty has become the status quo. It is expected for the candidates to come out firing. I am not saying it is the best form of action. I think that attacking someone always comes back to hurt you because if they don't fire back then the other guy looks like a bully, if they do fire back then you look bad for your past. But that said, playing dirty is how it will always be and Romney calling him out just makes him look like a tattle tail

  3. Now lets just team up against Romney…#what.. I agree with Gio that Romney calling this a "dirty trick" makes him sound dumb. Every candidate has a bad side, so what gives Romney much room to talk? Sending the message over a rob call, I believe isn't that bad. You do what you gotta do to win. And this is barely any form of true blast to Romney. Perhaps Romney should create a robo call against Santorum supporters? #payback

  4. I think this is a smart move on Santorum's part. He needs to win Democratic votes for the general election (if he gets there) and he needs to win the Republican Primary. Santorum merely decided to combine both his needs in the form of these calls. However I feel this will backfire, no Republican wants Democrats screwing around in their primaries.

  5. Even though this probably wasn't the best move, it's not too big a deal. It's pretty much accepted that candidates play dirty throughout the whole election. Santorum will probably come back somehow, so it should be interesting to see what he comes back with.

  6. This wasn't Santorum's best idea but I don't think it's a huge problem. H'e's gotta do what he's gotta to do to try and get those Democratic votes, and to win the Republican primary. This is just all part of campaigning, and it's not like he's the first to play a "dirty trick"

  7. Romney isn't crying for political purity or anything, this is a move to attract the sympathy of voters just like Santorum's. They're both playing the game, and I kind of think Romney won this one. Santorum appears desperate by resorting to a tactic so lacking in subtlety. I didn't work either. I mean what kind of self respecting democrat would stay on the line after hearing the call was Santorum, and then proceed to heed his advice, advice that would bring him closer to the White House? Not enough, apparently.

  8. I feel like even if democrats vote they would be more tempted to vote for Romney because he is more moderate. Santorum is quite sly though, if he has an agenda with these democrats, it would be sweet to see it unfold. It might aso work to his advantage that romney is not happy with the democrats voting in this primary, because they might see it as romney not liking them.

  9. Santorum did nothing wrong, I actually think it was clever of him to make those phone calls to democrats. As for crossing the line, I don't think anyone knows what that line is. Romney will probably make a "I have more money than you" come back. We will just have to wait and see how this all unfolds itself.

    1. Yeah, he's simply doing what all the other candidates are doing as well. However, this was surprising considering Santorum was all about positive campaigning. However, you have to fight back eventually if you get a ton of abuse.

  10. This was a simple and uneffective trick because Santorum is conservative and Romney is liberal (in terms of the Republican Party). If a Democrat is going to vote based off of his/her ideologies, then he/she will vote for Romney.


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