Tuesday, February 14, 2012

should Gingrich throw in the towl?

The national review officials are calling for Gingrich to take a hike. Although this is shaping up to be a two person race between Santorum and Romney, I just don't think that Gingrich should give up that easy. I remember the time when I thought it was going to be Romney and Gingrich for the rest of the way. Oh yeah that was two weeks ago. It's amazing what can happen in such short periods of time and with the polls showing a lack of trust in any candidate from the voters, I think it would be worth it for Gingrich to stick it out until the end.


  1. I do think that Newt should really start considering dropping out of the race. Romney and Santorum are running away with the race, while Newt is getting left behind. He should save him self and his campaign a lot of money by not trying to push till the end of the primaries.

  2. What does he care? It's not his money. If billionaire Sheldon Adelson is willing to keep spending millions to try and get Gingrich elected, I'm sure Gingrich is happy to stay in the race. At least people are paying attention to him. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/casino-mogul-sheldon-adelsons-family-is-bankrolling-gingrich-super-pac/2012/02/01/gIQAoGNRiQ_story.html

  3. List of things Newt Gingrich will do if elected President: Reinstate prima-noctra, commision a group of scholastics to write a new interpretation of the bible (Holy Gingrich Bible), relocate the capital to West Palm Beach, Florida, wage war with all of the middle-east, causing them to reunite into the Persian Empire, outlaw basketball and sneakers, EPA will be reassigned the task of enforcing the law that every home must bestow at least one licensed "Gingrich Portrait," change his title from "President of the United States" to "Emperor of the Free World," abolish the Constitution, extradite the city of Portland to Canada, a country with which he will deal with great suspicion, legalize the enslavement of Mexican immigrants, mandate the exclusive usage of coal energy, make it culturally acceptable to wear sweatpants in public and to formal functions, will attempt to destory FIFA, redefine morbidly obese to 60% body fat, mandate at least one Boston Market per municipality, allow Texas to annex Oklahoma, Mexico, and Utah, change history books to credit himself with the iventions of viagra, law, poetry, and algebra.
    Please hang in there Next

  4. Here we Go Romney, Here we go! Clap, Clap Clap Clap! or not? So maybe Mitt hasn't been doing so hot in the polls lately but that doesn't mean he should just throw away his shot at presidency…if he even has one anymore..As Mr. Danson just said if he's basically being paid to stay in the race than why not put up a fight? It's funny that the man told Rick Santorum to take a walk after leading in some polls..Did he he believe he could actually win?

  5. Although jake's comment certainly caught me a bit off-guard, I think Gingrich should just stay in the race. At this point, I think he's just trying to continue getting his point across. Nomination elections are a great platform to get ideas across even if there's no real shot at getting elected. After all, look at what Ralph Naders been doing for what seems like the past 10 elections.

    1. At times you feel like Newt has really faded, considering he's never on the news anymore, and Santorum and Romney lead every poll. So in a way I feel like Newt should just peace, but then you have to think about all the endorsements he has gotten. He has gotten more endorsements than any other candidate, from some of the biggest names in politics. But why is he sliding? Because he's so negative and arrogant that its hard to be attracted to him as a candidate. He is a genius though, which is why he was doing so well at one time.

  6. Gingrich should back someone up so that he can save himself a spot on someone's cabinet or as their vice. He doesn't really have a chance of winning the nomination anymore, but if he wants to keep on trying to show off how much of a jerk her is, he sure as heck can.

  7. I totally agree with Jimmy. It has now definitely becoming a two man race. If Newt backed someone up, It would give him a much greater chance of attaining some kind of power in Washington. We all know he's getting too arrogant, negative, and angry to win the nomination.

  8. I agree with Jim...Gingrich should realize that this campaign is not economical for him at all in terms of money and in terms of his future employment. I think that if Gingrich is such a genius like Garret said, he would be able to find a way to be liked and win the primary election, right?


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