Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hilarious Must-Read: Congressman Mistakes "Onion" Article for Truth

This is too funny.  I won't even tell you what the subject of the "article" is.  Just read it for yourself.


  1. i died... #ignorantpoliticianproblems

  2. This article is just hilarious. Yeah, the Onion can come across as legit at first glance, but really, it seems just a tad too much. Especially considering it's this guy's job to stay current with the days issues and events- not fictionalized and dramatized events of the Onion. This just shows that today's politicians are not always as knowledgable as we think they are....

  3. “We’re delighted to hear that Rep. Fleming is a regular reader of America’s Finest News Source and doesn’t bother himself with The New York Times, Washington Post, the mediums of television and radio, or any other lesser journalism outlets,”... hahaha what an idiot. Just the fact that a group of high school students such as ourselves can understand that this was not true and an elected congressman cannot is hilarious itself. #whatthehell


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