Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Avlon: 3 things you don't know about Arizona, Michigan

This article reveals three things that the average person doesn't know about the Arizona and Michigan primaries. The first "thing" that is discussed in the article is directly correlated to what we learned in class a week or two ago, which I thought was pretty engaging. I also learned from the article that Arizona has the 7th highest Mormon population, and apparently Mormons dig Romney.


  1. That's because Romney is a Mormon Jake #checkyourselfbeforeyouwreckyourself

  2. Sure the percentage for the popular vote is important to people but agreed ultimately that the true treasure is the delegates. I think Romney's going to sweep Arizona with the whole cushion. Santorum racking up pints in Michigan sounds believable. Ron Paul's power isn't strong enough to appeal to enough of the muslim-American population in Michigan and he's just not that great. The open deal in Michigan may provide opportunity to begin an upset. Independents might as well not vote if the candidates are running so far right.

  3. We all saw that Romney won the Arizona and Michigan Primaries. Arizona was clearly influenced by the Morman bubble. And while Santorum had a shot at upsetting Romney in his "home" state, clearly he was unsuccessful. Overall, Romney outspent Santorum, four to one, taking over with a flood of money.

  4. I think Liam brings up a good point. That yes the popular vote is important, but when all said and done the delegates are what matter most. And yes Jake, check your facts first ;) #getttheemmmmm

  5. This was a pretty huge win for Romney. It's pretty obvious that the home state played a big role for Romney, as it should have. If he didn't pull out in the Michigan, I think it probably would have sent his campaign in a downward spiral. Definitely interesting to see this article explain the reasons behind this outcome.

  6. I don't think Romney's mormonism really brought too many voters to his side, as Romney has appeared to distance himself as far as he can from his religion whose status as "not a cult" needs constant verification. I think the fact that independents can vote in this primaries is what helped him the most. "Independent" is code for "moderate." These people are likely a bit put off by Santorum's extremism, and favor Romney's middling, safe stances on his issues.

  7. I agree with Jake...Too many voters voted for Romney simply because he's mormon. Yeah sure, he'll probably share more similar views to these voters than he would with people of other religion, but that shouldn't be the only factor that makes people vote for him.

  8. Why is it an issue that so many mormons voted for a mormon. And we can't assume that religion is the only reason they voted for him. Do you think that black people voted for Obama because of race? No, they voted for him because he's a Democrat. I don't see religion affiliation as a true advantage because every candidate has categories that they fall into that will allow them to gain more votes.

  9. I simply love mormons, Jimmer Fredette, who shares my name, is quite the mormon. If i was in these states I would vote for Romney over the other candidates not only because he is mormon, but because all of the other candidates running are complete freaks. They would never be able to win my vote because of the ideals that they hold so "true."

  10. With the Mormons all over Romney I wasn't surprised when he won Arizona and Michigan is Romney's "home state" so he wasn't losing there. At the end of the day though Romney just has more money to spend for campaigns.

  11. It was pretty much always known that Romney had this in the bag. Romney is a strong Mormon dude who attracts other Mormons. After all, if he won, he'd be the first Mormon in the White House, so of course other Mormons would love that.


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