Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Romney Faces Unexpected Hurdles in Michigan

Although seemingly an easy win for Romney, due to a strong family name and Michigan being his home state, Romney could fall to Santorum. This would be a devastating blow to Romney's campaign, and could change the course of this race for the candidacy.


  1. Most people a couple weeks ago would not think that Romney would lose his own state sense that most candidates do not lose their home state and usually win it easily. But this is different, he could lose. If he was to lose his own state I think that might be the start of a long and slippery slope towards his end. It is tough to bounce back after losing several states in a row, but it will be interesting to see wins these two important states, Arizona and Michigan.

  2. Some people are simply for the man and he is generally liked which means hey he was a good guy here in our state and other people are voting for him, so let me vote for him too. I like the tension growing about how people don't' like him too and how there is a drawing shift towards SANTORUM. The faithfulness he expects to receive from his people in Michigan…isn't going to be so faithful. Santorum is going to break through.

  3. This would kill him, but hey, it would really say something about Santorum. If you can steal votes away from a former successful governor of that state, they you are obviously doing something right. It would truly be the downfall of the great one they call Mitt.

    1. all in all this sort of thing benefits Obama in the long run. Romney is the more "conservative" candidate, and if he loses, the rest of America may feel out of touch with the more right wing Santorum.

    2. I kind of agree with you Nate, but people forget that Obama and Hillary totally attacked each other in 2008, and the campaign wasnt decided till the very end of the primaries. So this isnt an odd thing. However, that being said, Santorum (for the most part) is smartly using positive campaigning.

  4. Michigan is really make or break for Romney. Although his home state should be a lock, Santorum's surge may give him the win. If Santorum can manage an upset in Romney's home state, it's pretty much a guarantee that Santorum takes the nomination. Romney has to step up.

  5. Losing Michigan would absolutely be a difficult loss to accept for the Romney campaign, but I don't really think we can consider it Romney's home state. Mitt Romney is from Michigan the same way Kobe Bryant is from Philadelphia. As one voter observed, he left immediately after high school and became the governor of Massachusetts. He spent his childhood in Michigan, but he was so rich that I doubt there was anything really rooting him to the state. He made his life as an adult in Massachusetts, and I think that's closer to being his home state than Michigan.

  6. If Romney loses to Michigan, that's gonna be a low blow on his campaign. That must really say something about you AND the person you're running against for you to lose in your own home state. Romney really has to step up his game.

  7. Well Romney can't really coast anymore. He has to win as many states as he can to stay in this race. He is behind right now and needs to surge to the front of the race or he might not have any chance of winning at all.

  8. Romney and Santorum are in a heated race. I still have trouble saying that because I never expected this the be the case. Santorum could come out on top here and be the Republican Nominee for president. If Romney loses Michigan I think he'll go down, because if your own home state doesn't love you, no one will.

  9. Romney losing Michigan would be detrimental to his campaign...I'm not sure if Romney should change his campaign tactics or continue to do what he is doing. I think that Michigan could possibly be the turning point of the Republican Primaries.


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