Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Should Sandy Hook Elementary School be Renovated/Demolished?

The article talks about how most schools that have shootings either get demolished or renovated. By doing this, it erases the pain that many families face when passing the school, especially an elementary school. Other people feel that they want t leave it as a memorial. My biology teacher talked about this today in class and I was curious on what was to happen to it. What do you guys think?


  1. It seems like a good way to try and erase the horrific memories of the events that occurred. Of course no one will ever be able to actually forget what happened that fateful Friday, but walking past the exact locations day after day is something I can't even imagine having to cope with.

  2. I think that it should be up to the parents of the victims to decide what should happen to the school. They might want to take it down, or maybe they want to make it into a memorial. They also could reopen it, but I doubt they would want to do that. We will just have to wait and see.

  3. I agree that the parents should decide what happens with the school. If they want it to be a memorial, then it would be devastating to use it for any other purpose. On the other hand, if the parents prefer that the school stay open so that students are still able to attend, then their wishes should be respected. Based on previous unfortunate occurrences, though, it is likely that some kind of renovation will go underway before the school is eventually reopened.


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