Monday, December 17, 2012

Pro-Gun Senator Open to Discussing Controls


  1. I believe we do need stricter gun laws. Our country must do all that we can to prevent future incidents. However, we also need to acknowledge the potential mental disability aspect of the Sandy Hook shooting and reevaluate how our country approaches that. Is there anything we can be doing to help the mentally challenged in addition to increasing gun control?

  2. This article ties in with what we have learned about the power of lobbyists, especially ones representing a group as extensive as the NRA. Still, it is comforting to know that senators would be willing to discuss acceptable legislation with representatives of the NRA. This shows there may be some willingness by the NRA to budge on the issue, although perhaps the senator who proposed the meeting just suggested it as a formality. I find it unlikely that the NRA would want to budge at all on the issue of gun control.


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