Tuesday, December 11, 2012

FBI readies Furlough plan if fiscal cliff talks fail

FBI readies Furlough plan if fiscal cliff talk fails

The FBI has been preparing a plan in case the negotiations between the white house administration and congressional Republicans fail and are unable to reach a compromise and conclusion. This plan would include reducing the number of agents investigating cases on a day to day basis and would take one or two unpaid days about every two weeks. This plan isn't finalized and could change but I don't think it will be necessary for this Furlough plan to take action because there is still time for negotiations for th fiscal cliff and there has been some breakthroughs in the past few weeks.


  1. I would ask what "breakthroughs" are you referring to? I see little to no progress, as the results of the Obama-Boehner talks remain unpublished and the state of the negotiations had not proigressed or made any compromises. I do think it is good though that organizations like the FBI are taking the threat of budgetary cuts seriously and moving to be more fiscally responsible.

  2. I agree with Grace. I do not see any breakthroughs on this matter. It is reassuring to see that government agencies are becoming aware of the issue and attempting to fix it within its own sphere but in truth, our government needs to compromise and fix this problem before its to late. The deadline is coming and the politicians are slacking.

    1. I agree with the first statement regarding a lack of breakthroughs. The bottom line is that a compromise has to be made between the White House and congressional Republicans. I don't think, however, that the politicians are slacking. On the contrary, I imagine the politicians are busily working to get the negotiation completed. It is understandable that, despite one's political orientation, each side wants to get the most out of the negotiation that it can. The problem is just how much they are willing to forgo to come to a compromise.

  3. I agree with Amanda and Grace. Both sides haven't budged on their plans for how to deal with the fiscal cliff. While the offers of the FBI are noble, they won't solve much. In a situation as severe as this, both parties need to put their minds in the back seat and agree on a plan that we know will work to eliminate the problem.

  4. Although we have yet to hear about many "significant" breakthroughs, this may be due to the fact that Obama and Boehner might not want the public to know about them until the deal is finalized. Therefore, I'm hoping that some sort of compromise will be achieved before the new year. In this case, this FBI preparation will be what the article quoted as a "fire drill." On the other hand, I do support the efforts being made by the FBI, no matter how small of an impact this change would make. Maybe if many other organizations took this same sort of effort, then it could be a solution in the case that a deal is not compromised before the new year.

  5. If this is going to affect our nation's homeland security then it is definitely a concerning point. The steps seem a bit too drastic and random at this time. I agree with Katie though that every American is likely hoping for a compromise that may also signal an end to the constant polar-opposite views by the Democrats and Republicans.

    1. As Sean said, a compromise would be significant to buffer the opposite viewpoints of Democrats and Republicans.But, as Sara said, I think a back up plan is very good to have.

  6. I think it is good that FBI has made a back up plan if the Federal government can't come to a compromise, but I don't think it would benefit our country if we had to sacrifice our safety be eliminating the amount of staff for the FBI. Hopefully, seeing the FBI plans or other plans like will make the federal government come to a compromise.

  7. I have said that I support cutting programs, but I'm a little worried if the FBI is on that list at all. There is a difference between national security and superfluous spending. I do support the emergency planning that the FBI is making, but I am hoping for a compromise before anything goes that horrifically wrong.

    1. There are so many other places where budgets can be cut other than the FBI. As much as I like the backup plan and quick thinking on the part of the FBI, I think over things can be sacrificed to protect our national security a little more as Aaron said

  8. This plan shows as well as anything why we must come to an agreement on the federal budget so that important things such as national security arent risked just so that each party can champion the fact that they didnt conform to what the other party wanted

  9. I have not seen any real breakthroughs. I find it concerning that, similar to what Jeff mentioned, politicians are so stubborn that they cannot compromise. I like that the FBI is prepared to take action, I just wish that both parties were willing to as well. We talk in class about trust in government, and issues such as this certainly make me wonder how effective government is at times.

  10. I agree with Aaron. There are probably places to cut spending, but I do not think the FBI is that place. I admire that they are willing to try to help, and are making contingency plans just in case. I think it is good that someone is prepared, but I hope that the FBI does not have to go through with this plan.

  11. As everyone else has stated, I do not know of any recent "breakthroughs" in the past weeks. I am glad the FBI is publicizing its plans; it shows that they take the current economic state seriously. Hopefully the two parties will recognize they need to put sincere effort into compromising for an efficient fiscal plan.

  12. As previously mentioned, I do not see any such breakthroughs, which emphasizes what a problem it is that politicians cannot compromise. However, I do hope that, as Katie stated, the negotiations between Obama and Boehner were kept secret because of finalizing a potential compromise.

  13. As original as it as, I too did not see any breakthroughs. Hopefully compromise will become more of a priority


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