Tuesday, December 4, 2012

News of Israel Settlements is Bad Timing for Obama

Israel announced the construction of Jewish settlements in sensitive territory east of Jerusalem (E1) following the United Nations General Assembly's decision to admit Palestine as a nonmember observer state, bringing Palestine a step closer to statehood. The United States has continuously warned Israel against building in this area because it would threaten contiguity between the West Bank and Jerusalem, aggravating peace negotiations. Israel's announcement caught Barack Obama off guard, irritating the president. With the president's successful record in foreign affairs it will be interesting to see how he manages relations overseas while negotiating circumstances at home.


  1. I think that now is not the right time for settlements in this area. With Palestine just being declared a nonmember observer state, relations are tense. I believe some sort of solution does need to be worked out in which Israelis and Palestinians have land. Also, Israel went against the advice of it's biggest financial supporter. However, though I don't always agree with the Israeli government's decisions, I stand with Israel and hope Obama will too.

    1. I agree that because the situation is so strained, any settlements would only further the tension and provide another reason for conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. I find it difficult to understand why Israel would initiate such settlements given that the United States did not approve of them and we are Israel's main ally.

  2. I think it is interesting that despite the history Israel has had of announcing settlement construction at inopportune times, the news that it is happening yet again came as "a rude shock" to Obama and "clearly caught administration officials off guard". As the article quoted this to be "one of the most sensitive areas of territory" (E1), I hope the Obama administration can be very careful in dealing with this in this hectic time.

  3. If the Obama administration doesn't like Israel's decisions, they should threaten to cut off aid. If there is ever to be peace, it certainly necessitates compromise, not just back and forth pushing between Israel and Palestine, like the construction of this settlement, which are not necessary and not warranted.

  4. I agree that the United States should lay down the law but I also believe that this topic is as sensitive as the land Israel is attempting to construct Jewish settlements on. We must tread carefully with Israel. I agree with Grace if Israel goes through with these settlements then the United States should cut off aid.

  5. The Obama administration will have to be really careful with dealing with this foreign affair. The whole situation with Israel and the Palestinians is a sensitive thing to deal with. I agree with what Grace said about cutting off aid. There will be continued tension unless something actually happens instead of just pushing each other back and forth

  6. I was talking with someone (I don't remember who) and they said, "Someone just needs to put a giant dome around Israel and Palestine and let them dish out their problems." Of course he was only joking. In all seriousness, the Israel-Palestine fighting has been going on for hundreds of years. I honestly don't see anything changing about that any time soon. I agree, however, that the US needs to lay down the law with Israel about funding. They may be one of our only allies in the Middle East, but sometimes things just don't agree between countries.

  7. Alright, I am sorry for correcting you on this, Sam, but the fighting between Israel and Palestine has only been going on for only about 50 years. Also, the United States doesn't really have a choice in maintaining its support of Israel, as it has given it since the Cold War began.It has made a commitment, and would look incredibly bad if they were to go back on it. They don't have a choice but to maintain the stance of support without losing face in the international community.

  8. The topic of our support of Israel is one that I have mixed emotions for i agree wholeheartedly with the support America gives to Israel when they are threatened by nations such as Iran but when I see the Palestinians and Israelis fighting I find myself siding with the Palestinians and think there must be someway in which we can both protect Israel from aggressors in the Middle East but still allow the Palestinians their freedom although I dont know what that way would be.

  9. I agree with what some people mentioned above, that this is truly a poor time to be making these settlements. Also, cutting off aid for the particular project at least may be a good idea after all, especially if Obama wishes to maintain his good foreign affairs record.

  10. I agree with what some people mentioned above, that this is truly a poor time to be making these settlements. Also, cutting off aid for the particular project at least may be a good idea after all, especially if Obama wishes to maintain his good foreign affairs record.

  11. Cutting off aide is not the right decision if the President doesn't want to look bad in the eyes of international community as Aaron said. A relationship with Israel should be maintained to stay in the favor of other countries as much as Israel.

  12. No matter what Obama does (cutting off aide or not), someone's going to be mad at him. Personally, I think we should maintain our healthy relationship with Israel. I'm not saying what Israel is doing is a good idea, but in order to maintain a good relationship with Israel Obama needs to be very careful about what he does next.

  13. I agree with Sam when she says that the fighting has been going on for centuries and we do not see any clear end in sight; the land will always be under conflict. Obama should definitely cut-off aid with Palestine because the more caught up in this we get, the better chances we have of getting pulled in to another overseas war, which our economy can not afford to be involved in.

  14. I think the best way for Obama and America to stay out of conflict would be to pick one side or other. I think it would be best to pick Israel due to our past relationships. We do not need to get into another oversee war, instead we need to focus on ourselves.

  15. As Aaron and Adam have said, cutting off aid would look really bad in the views of many people. Would it be the right thing to do? I really don't know but it really would get results. As Talia mentioned Israel is an ally and still makes technological advances that benefit both the United States and Israel.


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