Monday, December 3, 2012

Clinton Warns Syria on Chemical Weapons


  1. All of the turmoil in the Middle East right now concerns me. From the Israeli -Palestinian conflict to nuclear threats from Iran to chemical weapons in Syria, I don't even know where leaders should begin in repairing relations! I hope Obama ca have strong foreign policy in his last four years. Whomever he choses to fill Clinton's cabinet position will have a lot on his or her plate.

  2. I have a very strong opinion on these situations and I am sorry if I offend anyone, but seriously, what kind of cruel person are you to use chemical weapons...on your own people!? Yeah, that's obviously the smartest thing to do...who ever is doing that should be punished, but the United States can't baby every country. it is starting to get annoying. The Middle East needs to learn to control its people, get a good leader, and leave everyone else out of it. I feel it is kinda ridiculous to constantly be helping them and get no where in the end. I see how other people may think The United States is needed, but we have been helping long enough. Let's help our own country first and help others countries later. We have done enough, it is their turn to actually do something.


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