Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Romney vs. Obama

It would appear that the stage is set for the general election this fall. Mitt Romney's path to face Obama is now clear after Rick Santorum announced his campaign's suspension. I can't say that I'm surprised though, Romney was always the favorite, and this general election is going to be very interesting. What are your thoughts?


  1. Santorum, you're either with him on something or you're not with him at all. Romney's middle ground served as a smoother pathway than trying to dig onto Santorum's cliff and hang onto at least something than nothing. Romney pulled through the race strongest and made it out. Strategically with his campaigning his money spent was worth it despite some claimed he was overspending. He has the money, might as well use it.

  2. My thoughts. O'bama wins. The GOP in their primaries took a lot of shots at their own people which I think will cripple their chances. O'bama can now play the nice mans campaign giving him more respect amongst the voters.

    1. I think Obama will win too, but you have to remember the shots fired between Hilary and Obama in 2008 deep into May. The shots fired by Santorum and all this fighting wont really do any harm.

  3. I think it will actually be pretty tight. I think Romney will pick up some of the voters that just voted for Obama cause he wasnt associated with Bush (yes, there was a ton of those people). But I think Obama will pull though by a narrow margin.

  4. I think once Hermain Cain dropped out of the race I think Romney was always the favorite to win. SInce then however, The Republican candidates had debate after debate literally just trashing each other and telling America whats wrong with each and everyone of them so in the general election I think the large majority of the American people will know everything about Romney and this will help Obama. my prediction, Obama wins.

  5. After pandering himself into a corner of unelectability, Romney will atempt to inconspiciously shift back into the middle of the political spectrum. People will notice. They will not like this. Romney will maintain the kvetching support of people that would vote for a brain-dead sheep before a black man, but lose all of the moderates, thus the election, to Obama. Outraged by the events, Newt Gingrich will attempt a military coup rendered unsuccesful by the fact that nobody but Gingrich participates. Obama will suffer through another four years of (totally not racially inspired) Republican petulance. :)


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