Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Buffet Rule

Obama makes a big push for increasing taxes on the wealthy, and proposed the Buffet Rule. The general principle behind the Buffet Rule is that millionaires and billionaires shouldn't pay a lower percentage of their income in federal taxes than middle-class households. I think this is awesome - it will definitely make the middle class happier if this rule becomes legitimate. It may upset some of the wealthy, but who cares! The majority of the population is middle class anyways.


  1. Buffett Rule.Interesting title. Tax the wealthy because they're rich anyway! But what if someday one of us should be fortunate enough to win the Mega Millions….? As Allison said most of America is well the middle class, therefore go us the middle class. Another one of Obama's new plans before election rolls around, actually sounds like an okay plan to me.

  2. I think that this rule is a good start. Only taxing the top one percent higher is not enough. There are people out there who make millions and blow it all away when people out there scrape just to make ends meet. I think that making the more wealthy taxed heavier will be much more beneficial to America.

  3. William Buffet, what a guy. keep up the work millionaires, soon enough we will all be having a good time in this economy. I think for this economy to work, we all need to work together and get through this downturn.

  4. Replies
    1. nah bu surisly f'real, it's a nice step, i dont agree with it 100%, but i see what BO is trying to do

    2. nah bu surisly f'real, it's a nice step, i dont agree with it 100%, but i see what BO is trying to do

    3. The hell is with all the comments, Garrett?

  5. I think its a great start to jump start the middle class and get them back living a comfortable life again.

  6. I applaud Obama for having the necessary levels of common sense and gall to propose a bill that forces the rich to pay taxes. What I've yet to see from Obama is the necessary level of political acumen to pass such a bill through an insolently unreasonable Congress.


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