Wednesday, April 11, 2012

mo money mo problems

So President Obama raised $1.75 million in one state. With Romney already being rich as anything, money is not going to be an issue for either of these candidates in the general election. I hope everyone's ready for an absurd amount of campaign ads this fall.


  1. Florida is a pretty big state in my opinion. props to obama for racking up $1.75 million. $10,000 to attend an event at a private resident…Woo-hoo. Romney and Obama are both quite wealthy individuals. Alex is dead on correct in that there is going to be an advertising frenzy soon to happen between the both of them.

  2. This race will most likely net the most money a Presidential race has ever netted. Both candidates are very well off and can handle money with skill. I think Alex is 100% right in saying that there will be a lot of campaigning in this race. It will most likely be a big problem in PA because it is a swing state. There is a good chance during this time that my TV watching hours diminishes dramatically.

  3. Not only did he just raise $1.75 million dollars in the state of Florida but he did so at just three fundraisers... Now I have no idea how big these fundraisers were but still that is extremely impressive. On a side note I probably won't be watching tv during election time. The amount of advertisements that are going to be on tv will be absurd.

  4. On the bright side, the campaign ads will super-professional. Nothing's worse than watching a political commercial that looks like it was made by a middle schooler in tech center. If I get to see Obama commercials directed by David Fincher, then the absolute corruption of politics by the infusion of preposterous amounts of money into the campaigning process was totally worth it.


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