Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Out Of Context

A video compilation of Mitt Romney's greatest moments. I understand that it's unfair to judge him by a collage of painful moments made by the Huffington Post but I couldn't help myself. I can let go a few mistakes but that many stupid comments is outrageous for a presidential candidate.


  1. I actually laughed out loud when I heard him say "who let the dog out? hoo hoo hoo" when he was taking a picture with a group of people in Jacksonville Florida. That's just rich in humor. "I like those fancy raincoats you bought, really sprung for the big bucks" at the NASCAR event. Well, honestly I think he wins in terms of being awkward. Who knows what he'll do should he win the presidency.

  2. "I also like all the little lakes in the inlands too, not just the great lakes. uh..... I like cars!" haha well done gio, well done.

  3. haha this is hilarious, but I could make a funny video of Obama stuff too, everything is out of context.

  4. I do think the video is hilarious. And it does show his slip ups, but yes, it is in deed out of context and if the whole clip was shown might only be some what HIlarious.

  5. This video was definitely a knee slapper. Romney's quite the character. Even though it's all out of context, it's still really funny.


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