Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Romney Ties Obama In Polls

Romney and Obama both know that the economy is the biggest issue in this year's campaigns. Both have angles that will push them forward in the race. Romney is targeting "pocketbook issues" and Obama is slowly lowering the unemployment rates. Is the economy going to be the most important factor when it comes time to vote in the next election? Who has the better plan?


  1. Mitt Romney is not going to be the better leader. and well Obama isn't going to be such a great leader either, therefore we are screwed. Mr. Jim Rutenberg in the video states his favorable ratings are better yet people are mad about the economy. Mitt Romney aka Mr. Rich Guy, people aren't going to side with him ever on issues, maybe some..but barely any. I feel like Obama has a slightly better chance at pulling us out, or has he simply drowned us from the beginning?

  2. Im with Liam on this one, Mitt's big thing is that we need a president who understands business which I am sure he has a firm understanding of but I don't think he can relate to 98% of people who are working there butts off and are just making a decent living. With that said, I don't think the policies Romney has in mind if he gets in office will help out the economy and help people get back into work, etc. I think at this point with the options presented to us I think that Obama is the slightly better choice. Just like in hockey, you need to finish your hits and Obama needs to finish his.

  3. Unlike my two bestfriends, I of course think that Romney's policies will help drastically. People think that the economy is all Bush's fault, but this country has accumulated more debt under Obama in his 4 years than the 8 under Bush. Do I want to see Obama do well? Of course! But right now it appears that Obama's economic record is going to kill him, and if anything saves him it's going to be his foreign policy. When people say that Romney doesnt have a clue what its like to be a middle class American, I don't think that's too much of an issue. This is all about knowing the policies that will get this country going again, and I think we can do that under buisness man Mitt.

  4. I agree with all three of the above people. We do need someone who can change our economy and that maybe a fresh set of eyes can help that. I however think it is very hard for Mitt to connect with the majority of America seeing as he is extremely wealthy. I think that Obama's plan and ideas are a little better for the American people and in the end I think that he will prevail.

  5. I agree with Pat, I think that Obama's plans will appeal to the general public more. Romney will have more trouble connecting with the majority of voters because he is so wealthy, and the majority of people are not. Sure, Romney's plans could definitely help the economy but I think that Obama's plans will come out on top in terms of appealing to the voters.


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