Monday, January 30, 2012

What a guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Romney at his best here. He shows these Floridians how much of a regular person he is. He is trying to make it known that he is human, just like any one of the voters. He goes further than most, though, when he sings one of our countries famous patriotic songs. As you may be able to tell if you watch the video, Romney succeeded, because all of the townsfolk began to sing with him, making it seem like they were chums or something like that. But in the words of the great NWA, all you have to do is "express yourself," and Romney sure did here.


  1. Mitt Romney taking after Barrack Obama and Herman Cain in showing off his singing talent. A wise way to bring attention to this man's "love" for soon to be his America? No surprise that everyone at this retirement community started singing well because they're old and this possibly meant something to them because of their time in war for our country. Like Jim said because all the townsfolk sang with him he achieved making everyone feel like a chum.

  2. Whatever works. If people want their president's level of self respect and dignity to be low enough that he is willing to do something that he is embarrisingly bad at in order to endear himself to them, then by all means, Mitt, belt it. It's a shame that people vote this way, but it's also a shame that everyone can't sing, and nobody seems to get up in arms about that fact, so I shouldn't about this one. Some voters just want a President who isn't haughty, and apparently Romney has been able to make people think that he isn't. People who think that Mitt Romney isn't a proud and willing member of the elite (i.e. better than you) class are miserably misinformed, and people basing their votes on that erroneous belief are miserably bad citizens. But you can't blame Romney for trying to exploit these people.

  3. Romney wants people to vote for 'the man' rather than 'the party', and if a Karaoke render of America the Beautiful is what they want, then it is what they shall get.

  4. I think that Romney had the right idea, but went about in the wrong way. If he wanted to show the people that he was a "normal" person he could have sat down with them and ate a meal or something to that similarity, but him singing America the Beautiful...unorthodox. The act may benefit him, but I feel it isn't going to help or hurt him, it will mainly just give the voters a bit of humor.

  5. Good move on Romney's part because he's making himself appeal to the average person. All voters can relate to, well, being American, so it seems like Romney is trying to play that card. This move will probably be pretty effective with voters, whether it be patriotic appeal or just attracting attention.

  6. Romney showing off the pipes...he could almost hit that C note. The man is willingly losing all self respect in order to gain votes. Romney clearly wants to win the Republican Primaries desperately, and he is willing to do anything to achieve that goal.

  7. A presidential hopeful trying to make himself more relatable is nothing new. Many claim that Bush (W) won the election over Gore because he was more relatable. In Danson terms, "Someone you can sit down and have a beer with." And most voting Americans approve of a patriotic president, one who will sing terribly, in front of an audience, because he loves his country so much. More power to him

  8. This was just kind of humorous for me. He really is just desperate to connect with the common person of America, and throwing away the rich guy mentality that he has so far established. It's also very ironic that Obama was signing last week...

  9. I appreciate what Romney is trying to do here but it's just not working. He took after what Obama did and put a Republican spin on it that shoves America down your throat. He's trying to humanize himself and trying to be one of the people but he uses the whitest, plainest song ever and, in my opinion, it makes me like him less because he's obviously trying to appeal to the people.

  10. I don't think this act is going to help him or hurt him. It was just another way of him trying to show Americans that he is a "regular" guy. Props to him though, for having the balls to sing in front of an audience, because he loves his country and wants the people to vote for him.

  11. I don't think this does anything to Romney, all it did was show that he's a bad singer. There's nothing wrong with him trying to show a more relaxed side of himself. A lot of politicians do things like this to attract votes, Bill Clinton played the saxophone, but I don't think Romney was able to get any extra votes with his performance.


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