Monday, January 2, 2012

Santorum Gets More Support With More Money

After being behind for awhile, Santorum found a way to boost his numbers in polls and in figures. Out of nowhere, his fundraising is almost 400% higher than it was ten days ago. With the sudden increase in funding, Santorum can now start doing more to boost his campaigning and create more ads. Will they be effective enough for him? And where did this money come from?


  1. Santorum pulled the slot machine and he scored big time. #win. The rapid increase is cash definitely says something. Surprised Romney pulled ahead by 8 votes. I think that if Santorum has all that extra money left he should donate it to The Great State of Vermont. Can he now have the financial power to take on Barrack? We'll just have to wait and find out...

  2. There's probably someone rich as anything behind Santorum's sudden and drastic increase in funding. But good for him, hopefully he uses this money correctly and can actually turn this money into votes. We all know the role that money plays in a campaign, and with crucial primaries coming up in New Hampshire and South Carolina, this new money could not have come sooner for Santorum.

  3. This just shows the influence money has over politics... More money, more support, doesn't seem like a coincidence. It just seems odd that Santorum was unable to raise much money throughout the early months, and then experience such a skyrocket. I agree with Graham, definitely a few rich guys behind the scenes on this one.

  4. Santorum, what a guy... and win I say what a guy, I mean who is this guy? This republican primary is just getting crazier and crazier, bringing another runner from the back to the front of the polls. I'm just going to wait for these republicans to realize that they only have a shot with Mitt Romney. I don't see what's so great about a guy that wears a sweater vest everyday, either... #caucusout

  5. More money = more support = more influence. There is definitely some rich guy helping Santorum out now, all behind the scenes. Santorum is in luck with this sudden increase in funding, and it will definitely help him out in the last bit of campaigning he has to do.

  6. Santorum gaining popularity and fundraising is simply the domino effect. As he gains attention he gains more fundraising. And the more fundraising he gets the more attention he receives. Santorum's increase in funding was sparked by some donor and the republicans jumped behind Santorum, hoping to find a electable candidate that they like. Eventually Santorum will fall, just as Newt Gingrich did.

  7. This all just seems a little sketchy to me...He went up an exceedingly amount of percentage points, and that is great for him but just has me a little skeptical. Maybe Santorum got really lucky, but i dont think he will be lucky enough to win in the polls.

  8. ITS NOT SKETCHY AT ALL MARINELLI. Rick is appealing because of his consistent message, and core family values that have won over the hearts of many voters. Many voters were undecided, due to the fact that Romney was the front runner and yet no one was excited about him. People are far more likely to give money to someone who excites them. Some once all these people were won over, Rick Santorum let them make their money rain. boom.

  9. Rick Santorum now has the finacial means to take on Mitt Romney in primaries! Too bad he doesn't have the political aptitude, general intelligence, or anything resembling the ability to preside over anything more sophisticated than an Arby's. And not even a busy one, one of those Arby's that's next to a bunch of other (thus better) places to eat. How many times have we seen a candidate have a 2-3 week boom in support that comes crashing back to down to where it belongs when people, say, google the candidates' names (this could be especially problematic for Rick). Santorum is just the latest bystander to benefit from Mitt Romney's complete lack of allure. But at the end of the day (which for Santorum is yet to come), people prefer complete lack of allure to complete lack of qualifaction.

  10. I am very curious as to how he got that much money. I mean some rich guy who has no life probably funded him but I would like to know where it actually all came from. With all of that aside it will be interesting to see what he does with all of this money. Hopefully he will be smart with his money and he will fill the gaps in his campaign. We will wait and see what his next move is.


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