Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The N.H. race is really just to see who Romney's challenger is.

With the race in N.H. looking like it will easily go to Romney, I believe that the race will be very crucial for who ever comes in 2nd. The 2nd place finisher will, come the end of the primaries will be Romney's biggest challenger. So the second place finisher should feel good about himself. It will be interesting to see what happens as the race goes on with the second place finish.
Romney will win N.H. easily, but it will be interesting to see how he does when it goes down South because he is a less conservative and the South is very conservative.


  1. The 2nd place finisher in New Hampshire will be the biggest threat to the Romney 2012 campaign, but Mitt shouldn't be that worried. Because it's Ron Paul. Ron Paul is socially liberal in a race so much predicated on social conservatism that someone like Rick Santorum, who brings nothing to the table other than a frighteningly fervent hatred of abortion and something called "family values," can have success. There are some voters who consider more relevant things, but they may be even less likely to elect Ron Paul, as he wants to readopt the barter system or something as the basis of the economy. Yet, crazier, and worse for the Paul campaign than attempting to set economics back 5 centuries, is thinking gay people should be allowed to marry each other. The NH race was exactly what the author said it was, a race to find a challenger. We found out that there isn't one.

  2. Although Romney only carried around 39% in a state that he can almost call home, he has nothing to worry about because the competition has let him take the lead, and no one is really doing anything to stop any of it. If he can be as moderate as he is, and pull as many conservative votes as he has so far, there is almost no hope for anyone else running. I kind of wish Herman Caine would join the race again just to stir the pot up. He would give it more change than what will occur with these candidates.

  3. I disagree. As we saw in class Nate Silver predicted 2 completely different candidates to challenge Romney in South Carolina. It's all about the state. Even in North Carolina, Rick Santorum is polling ahead of Mitt Romney, its EVERYWHERE across the board. Yes, Mitt Romney is bound to win, and I don't see much chance of him losing the bid for presidency, but I don't agree at all the Ron Paul will be his major contender. If you vote for Ron Paul you might as well vote for Obama, plus he's creepy. His voice belongs on books on tape for children's stories.

  4. The second place finisher will definitely be Romney's biggest threat, but I think that Romney will still win, because it seems as if his competition is just letting him take the lead at this point. Romney definitely will have some trouble getting votes in the south though.

  5. Continuous…Anything to bash Romney, The other candidates are basically sitting in a pew at church praying for disaster upon each other. I'm astounded at Rick Perry for using such language "They’re vultures ". No, no, no..You may be the vulture. Gingrich seizing on Romney's quote, saying that "After misstating himself so badly does he actually deserve a shot on the platform with Obama?" Uhm…yes. It's a war out there. And to think that Gingrich's words have never been twisted against him..It happens to everyone. As Nate said, the results of South Carolina will be interesting due to how they interpret his conservatism.

  6. "These critics argue that the attacks on Mr. Romney are attacks on the free-market system and help the Democrats." I believe that these attacks will hurt the republican party. I understand that these men and women are trying to win but I believe regardless of the situation that there is a line. In my opinion this line has been crossed. I believe these attacks will benefit the democratic side because who hear nothing about democrats trashing Obama. The Public see's this tension and it will affect who they vote for.

  7. I think it is obvious that the second place finisher will be Romney's biggest competitor because, well, that candidate is in 2nd place...not 3rd or 4th. If Ron Paul is Romney's biggest competitor, then he has absolutely nothing to worry about because when the primaries go down south, Paul will do poorly because he is a liberal Republican.


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