Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Act Fast.

Romney's Rivals may continue to nibble at his business backgrounds with Bain however they're going to need to do a better job. Discussed are 4 possible upcoming issues that may affect the outcome of results. From Religious influence leaning towards helping out Santorum, a sudden dropout by yet another candidate and the next upcoming GOP debate.


  1. There is not a legitmate challenger to Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum doesn't understand government, Newt Gingrich is the least likeable human being that has ever existed, Ron Paul supports gay marriage, a conservative death sentence, and Rick Perry is likely under the influence of a controlled substance as we speak. They've had plent of time to mount a legitmate fight for the win, and the fact that they're running out of it is proof that they are incapable of being elected.

  2. I disagree with Jake, I think that Rick Santorum is a perfectly legitimate candidate and can definitely pull out an upset win. He appeals to many of the conservative beliefs and his sudden surge of momentum may carry him farther than people think. I don't believe, however, that it is in the best interest for the republican candidates to start ganging up on Mitt Romney. I think that if anyone is going to beat Romney, they need to show that they can stand on their own, and that they're positive and confident in their own plans instead of bashing someone else's for no other reason than because it's Mitt Romney's.

  3. How can time be running out for the other candidates? Romney didn't even win in Iowa, and in New Hampshire he got less than 40 percent of the vote. I agree with Alex, there are other candidates that still have a chance to win. Now is the time for them to step up.

    -Andrea Marinelli

  4. I believe that the clock for panicking has not yet started, but if Romney wins SC by a lot then I think the clock will have begun ticking. If someone can stay within reaching distance of Romney then I think whomever that is can put up a good fight against him. There is still some time before the nominee is selected so some moves can still be made with some of the more important states still out there. If someone can stay close to Romney in SC it will be interesting to see if that will sway the momentum in their direction at all.

  5. I 100% agree with graham. Saying that Rick Santorum isn't a legit candidate and doesnt know politics is false. If you watched the debate the other night, he totally got rid of the impression that all he knows about is social issues, and kind of took it to Mitt on economic issues. He killed it. Newt on the other hand is too arrogant to be president, Ron Paul isn't conservative enough, and Rick Perry peaced it. So i think it is between Mitt and Rick S.

  6. I agree with Garrett and Alex - Santorum is definitely a legitimate candidate. Not saying I would vote for him, but he's definitely not illegitimate or uneducated about politics/government. He definitely has it in him to go further than people may think he will. Now is the time for other candidates not to gang up on Romney, but to bring out their best and step up their game - which is exactly what Santorum is doing.

  7. I Believe that the Republican candidates should knock off this "your no good because you...." nonsense and focus on what they have to offer. I do not believe that attacking Romney's flaws is the BEST thing to do. I think it 's kind of effective BUT, I feel as though the are focusing more on Romney then on what the have to offer to America.

  8. The Republican candidates have threeviable options for the campaign: realize that Romney is going to win and advocate him for the presidential election, continue on with the Republican campaign individually (and most likely lose), or team up and try to take away votes from him. Some candidates are now taking the path of teaming up against Romney, and I cannot decide if that is a good idea or not...we'll have to see how it unfolds.


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