Monday, January 9, 2012

Attack on Romney

Since Romney is now front-runner in the polls he is receiving negative comments from his competors. From Romney's remark about health insurance do you agree with Gov. Huntsman that Romney believes in putting politics first and enjoys firing people? What is your perspective on Romney?


  1. Many measures will be taken simply to bring someone down, just in the world of about anyone of famous stature. Twisting around Romney's words wasn't a bad idea. His implied message I feel was vague, and therefore I found would've others interpretation of his message believable. I'm sure those who "attempted" to bring him down were a bit disgusted when his numbers dropped oh so low. I don't think Romney actually likes firing people how it was implied by others, however I do feel that those companies he talks about executing ultimately sets out to damage people's jobs.

  2. I think this jab from Huntsman was clearly a desperate attempt to steal votes from Romney in the only state that Hunstman thought he had a chance to win. Claiming that he enjoys firing people is ridiculous, as the quote was egregiously taken out of context. But even more ridiculous was Romney refuting the other half of Hunstman's comment, that he always puts politics first. That's really the only thing that Romney does do. He's switched sides on just about everything he's ever voted on. And in today's fiercely partisan politics, while Romney be the poster child, every politician in Washington is putting politics first, as the historically low approval ratings have put everybody on Capitol Hill in survival mode.

  3. I don't really think it can be put any better than how jake put it... yeah, it was a bit absurd for Huntsman to try spinning Romney's quote of enjoying firing, but his point about Romney only caring about politics was very effective. politicians should try to stand for a solid idea, and not stray too far from it-- certainly not what Romney has been doing. Also, it was interesting to see Huntsman (a conservative) suggest that there is a problem with free enterprise... we'll see where that goes...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I honestly didn't know who Huntsman was until last week. He is very behind in the polls so a cheap shot like this is almost expected to come from him. It was a move of desperation that was just absolutely ludicrous. At this point in the race, the candidates are starting to see that Romney is the frontrunner by a significant amount and they're grabbing at straws to knock him down a couple pegs. If Huntsman was attempting to get ahead by making the comment, it didn't do much.

  6. Talk about low blows. Like okay Huntsman, you're not even a big deal, and you'll probably drop out before this race is over. Huntsman has also said a million times during debates and interviews that he is determined to get Obama out of the White House, but then he goes and trashes the guy that is most likely to achieve that feat. Someone needs to tell Huntsman that him and Romney are on the same team, and even though they are opponents, they need to come together under one common goal. This was just Huntsman's weak attempt to get votes from Romney in the only state he had a chance of winning in (and he didn't even do that much damage to Romney, he just made himself look like a guy who is willing to do anything in order to get votes).

  7. Romney is looking at another win, and Huntsman can't take it, because it seems there are no states that will help him further his candidacy other than New Hampshire. He believed that this would be the state to bring him bad into the battle, but if he can't win it, then he has a very low shot of winning the entire primary.At this point, every republican will continue to fire punches at the frontrunner, until they themselves are the frontrunner.

  8. The leader always draws negative attention. In order to have a chance at becoming the Republican candidate, Huntsman needed to do something drastic and he decided to make negative comments about Romney. It's expected and most likely irrelevant. As long as Romney looks like the guy to beat then the negative comments will only swell.

  9. I've never even heard of Huntsman until recently, he really seems to have come out of nowhere. He can't handle the fact that Romney is more than likely going to win, so he tried to steal some of his votes in New Hampshire by taking a stab at him. I think that any of the Republican candidates will try to do similar things in order to steal away any votes from Romney that they can.

  10. I think that Romney's comment was taken completely out of context, and people should not change their current views of him as a person and a politician---this does not mean that people won't change their perception of Romney. Huntsman did what every desperate politician does when he or she is clearly behind in a race and go after the frontrunner's character. I think that this political tactic is childish above all things.


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