Tuesday, January 8, 2013

More 'cliffs' to come in new Congress

I don't think the title thing  worked. Sorry!

This article is about how the new Congress is going to have to deal with the debt ceiling and the national deficit in February  This is just after the last Congress narrowly missed the "Fiscal Cliff". Will we raise the debt ceiling?  I don't know, but I know something is going to have to be done and it is going to take some serious compromising from both sides.


  1. This "raising of the debt ceiling" isn't just a terrible idea, it is a stupid one. Honestly, we are already in enough debt as it is...now, what makes someone think "oh raising the debt ceiling would be better?" Hmmm...no. It isn't good at all. I feel like we need to either find some way to reset all the debts or just find a way to lower it. If we raise the debt higher and higher, it will just et worse and worse. If the idea is "if we spend more and more, the economy will bounce back." Has that worked? Nope. I know Obama is trying his best, but this is just terrible. Clinton gave us a surplus, Bush destroyed that surplus and put us into an even worse debt...if anything, Clinton should just be president again. He did an amazing job getting rid of the debt.

  2. I don't think raising the debt ceiling will be beneficial at all for us. We have done it before and it has not done anything extremely helpful, so why would we keep doing it? We need to work with what we have now. We do not need to spend more money to get out of debt we need to cut spending and we already raised taxes on the wealthiest Americans. In my opinion the key to solving debt is not more debt and spending, but saving the money we have and just saving and saving and saving.

    1. I also think once we are out of all armed conflicts as well this goal will be much easier to achieve.

  3. I feel that raising the debt ceiling will just encourage more government spending. Congress has to stop delaying and make moves to fix the debt. I get that it is a lengthy process to move in the right direction of achieving a surplus, but nothing encouraging has come out of Washington yet. The politicians there are more worried about blocking their opponents' policies instead of thinking what's best for the country.

  4. Like everyone above, I agree that raising the debt ceiling is just a bad idea. I've always been under the idea that you only buy what you can afford to pay for and although this is a different situation from an individual deciding whether or not to spend his money, I think we as a country need to cut back and get our act together.

  5. Like everyone above, I agree that raising the debt ceiling is just a bad idea. I've always been under the idea that you only buy what you can afford to pay for and although this is a different situation from an individual deciding whether or not to spend his money, I think we as a country need to cut back and get our act together.

  6. I too agree with everyone and I think that rasing the debt ceiling would not be a good thing. We need to get out of debt, not keep encouraging it. We to stop spending and work together to start moving in the right direction. It will be very difficult, but it will be even more difficult to get out of debt if we just keep raising the limit.

  7. I don't think anything will change until we hit the debt ceiling or face an ultimatum. I don't know how long it will take to reach a point where both parties feel like they cannot continue legislating until the next deadline and that could be a while. It might actually be wise to wait a bit for the economy to strengthen a bit more before ultimately dealing with this problem. I think the economy is still in too much of a volatile state to make drastic decisions at the moment.

  8. As long as we have such a split Congress with such distinctly different beliefs with no desire to compromise, we're just going to be stuck with the same deal we just went through. Neither side is ready to compromise, so unless something crazy happens they'll just pass another deal to momentarily back us away from the cliff.

  9. I agree with others, that as long as no one is willing to compromise we will be stuck with the same problem we just went through. I think this problem with probably reach a point where its just crazy. Also a deal probably won't be reached until we hit the debt ceiling.


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