Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Paul a contender?


  1. In this article, the chances of Ron Paul in the GOP race are discussed. Ron Paul has built up a pretty strong base of supporters. Even though that has voting base may not be as good as Romney's or Newts, it is still enough to win the Iowa caucus. As you know, whoever wins the iowa Caucus usually can get enough media coverage and bandwagon support to go on to win. Read more...

  2. Paul keeps bowling strikes who knows where he's going to end up? His opposition to mainstream republican views definitely sets him apart in my opinion. Its going to be interesting how things turn out, I don't think Newt is going to get enough signatures. Should he win the caucuses in Iowa he will have gained enough wind for his sailboat to glide. Grover Norquist's view that he is a "consequential guy running for president" I believe is straight on because of his views. The picture of Perry grabbing Paul's arm on the world wide web shows the love.

  3. Anything is possible. That being said, this is not possible. I don't think Paul is actually going to win. I think it's pretty clear that Romney is going to take this election especially with Gingrich not getting enough signatures to get on the Virginia ballad.

  4. This article was really interesting for me to read because i've heard Ron Paul's name being tossed around for years now. I really wasn't sure what to make of him, but its surprising to see that he's a legit contender now. I think Romney's probably gonna end up with it, but it'll be interesting to see where things go.

  5. From the article it would seem that Ron Paul has finally found his way out of the woods and has put himself out there as a prime contender for the Republican candidate in the presidential election. Ron Paul is showing a lot of fight attacking his fellow competitors with advertisements which he has spent over $600,000 on. I wouldn't be surprised to see an upset.

  6. With the benefit of hindsight, I can say that as it turns out Ron Paul is not a serious consider. He lost to someone nobody really likes (Romney) and somebody who couldn't win a senatorial race in his own state (Santorum). Ron Paul will never be a serious consider because he consistenly alienates his own voting base. Those who identify themselves as rebublicans typically consider social issues above all else, and Paul takes a democratic stance on all of them. They don't him seriously because they don't take his social policies seriously, and until he is taken seriously, nobody will ever find it worth their time to attempt to rally support for him. Paul is forever doomed to be a punchline, even if he might be a sensible candidate.

  7. With the benefit of hindsight, I can say that as it turns out Ron Paul is not a serious consider. He lost to someone nobody really likes (Romney) and somebody who couldn't win a senatorial race in his own state (Santorum). Ron Paul will never be a serious consider because he consistenly alienates his own voting base. Those who identify themselves as rebublicans typically consider social issues above all else, and Paul takes a democratic stance on all of them. They don't him seriously because they don't take his social policies seriously, and until he is taken seriously, nobody will ever find it worth their time to attempt to rally support for him. Paul is forever doomed to be a punchline, even if he might be a sensible candidate.


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