Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Clinton Versus Sanders: The Rift Between Older And Younger Black Voters

As the primary process continues, the candidates are finding themselves in less ethically homologous states. The South Carolina primary, "a primary in which black voters regularly make up half or more of the electorate" nears and Sanders is "working to convince black voters who have known the Clintons for years, if not decades, to support him and not Hillary Clinton." There is a much larger support for Clinton among the African American vote, especially in these southern states. In many ways they feel that Clinton is more experienced, has represented a large African American constituency in the past, and would be a continuation of the Obama administration whose "approval rating with black voters regularly hovers over 90 percent." Sanders, whose career started in the civil rights movement, regularly talks about criminal justice reform and the needs of African Americans in his stump speech. He has also been endorsed or he works with many prominent figures in the African American community. Regardless, many are seeing this fight as only a positive thing for the community. How do you think the African American vote will play a role in the coming election and then policy going forward?


  1. I think the fact that the African American population is politically divided creates a sense of competition for the election. Neither Clinton nor Sanders can count on the African American vote to win South Carolina - instead, both candidates have to compete for it. So, racial inequality has become an important talking point in both candidates' campaigns. And if Clinton or Sanders wins the election, the policies that are implement will also address racial inequality.

  2. The African American vote will certainly play a major role in the upcoming election, especially in the Democratic primaries. Clinton is currently doing better among the African American Electorate, but anything could change in the next few months. Racial inequality has been a major issue for many years, and has recently increased in intensity. The next president surely will take steps to address this.

  3. The African American vote will play a major role in all of the upcoming elections. Racial inequality is a huge topic of discussion in recent years and will have a major impact on policy in the future.

  4. I think it is crucial that the candidates are considering the African American voters in their campaigns. The rising race issues cannot continue to go unaddressed by professional politicians. These voters will be crucial in motivating the candidates to introduce forward policies that will close the gap of racial inequality.

  5. I think it is crucial that the candidates are considering the African American voters in their campaigns. The rising race issues cannot continue to go unaddressed by professional politicians. These voters will be crucial in motivating the candidates to introduce forward policies that will close the gap of racial inequality.


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