Tuesday, December 3, 2013

President Obama Rallies Support for Healthcare

President Obama Rallies Support for Healthcare

Obama said that it is time to "refocus" on improving the american healthcare system following the plethora of negative publicity it has recently received. He started by recounting the millions of success stories with Obamacare, but he went on to say that millions still needed to be helped.

"The bottom line is the law is working, we are not repealing it as long as I am president."

In order to do this, the Obama administration has revamped the website; the now once glitch-frenzied website is now clean.


  1. I am thrilled that Obama is reiterating what exactly ObamaCare is and why it is so necessary and beneficial for Americans. I think a lot of people are being swept up in the Republican smear campaign. ObamaCare has not failed - the website did. Google did not begin as the search engine we know and love today; it was glitchy and imperfect but the founders didn't just throw out the idea. I am still a believer of ObamaCare and I hope the media stops covering a website and starts showing the benefits of affordable health care.

  2. I didn't realize that 15% of Americans were uninsured. This reaffirms my belief that socialized healthcare is a good thing. Also, I'm glad that Obama is restating the main points of the Affordable Care Act, extended coverage for young people, as well as a non-discrimination policy. The youth conference is very interesting as well, I guess it is a way to appeal to the youth who will hopefully maintainthe system in the future. If a Republican is elected as the next president and repeals the Affordable Care Act, I will be pretty disappointed because I believe it is a step in the right direction.

  3. "We know that Obamacare is still plagued with problems and every American deserves relief from it." Well, every American also deserves healthcare. I think now it's really just a waiting game to see what will happen. The difference in tone and amount of bias between this article and the FoxNews article is amazing. Personally, I'm glad President Obama is taking such a persistent stance on this issue. I applaud his tenacity even though some think he is shooting his own foot.

  4. With as many as 100 million Americans set to lose their health plans over ObamaCare (with 5 million Americans already losing their plans—1/6 of the amount ObamaCare was supposed to get insured), it is clear that Obamacare is failing. The President repeatedly lied (and was re-elected based on the premise) that Americans could keep their plans if they liked it… “period.” I have actually had personal experience with an ObamaCare failure story. My dad lost his plan—one that he genuinely liked. Is my dad and all of the other Americans who lost their plans merely the eggs that were cracked to make this foul omelet? It is one thing for there to be some sacrifice in order to better an outcome. However, this sacrifice comes because of an unnecessary intrusion on behalf of the government into the business of individuals and business owners. This law has just begun being implemented and our worst fears are already coming true. What made America unique was our reliance on personal responsibility and community (as opposed to Big Brother) in order to solve our woes. Once we reject the principles (and succumb to the peer pressure of the socialist nations around us) that made us the greatest nation in the history of the world, we cease to be exceptional. It is not exceptional to be the same as everybody else; it is exceptional to be different.

  5. To all those speaking of the wonders of socialized health care, "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."-Margaret Thatcher. Now if so many Americans have or are going to lose their health insurance plan due to ObamaCare isn't that going to inflate the number of uninsured people? I would think logically it would. The next question is did all of those uninsured people want health insurance? The third question is that amongst those uninsured, how many will be able to afford ObamaCare? The real reason this bill got passed is because of peoples distrust towards insurance companies but ObamaCare in no way kills the insurance companies large profit margins. Regardless of that ObamaCare's minimum plan requirements are absurd, every state already had a minimum requirement for all insurance plans. They are making you pay for all of the extra features so that you can support the high risk pool who will use that part of the benefits. If Margaret Thatcher is correct then ObamaCare will fail.

  6. If Obamacare hasn't failed yet with all of the website glitches, then it will surely fail in the future. I don't believe in it, I think its stupid and socialist. Just as Justin quotes Thatcher, if we keep taking from the rich eventually their money is going to run out and then we are all in a financial mess. Our country wasn't based on this premise, that if you cant afford something, but you want it, then you still get it. No our country was based off hard work and incentives. If my father taught me anything its that you get out of life what you put into it.

  7. I am glad to see that Obama is sticking to his guns. It really would be a shame if a future president repealed this because the Affordable Care Act is still a good idea. Republicans and the media really have to back off because it's getting old. We have had to comment on Obamacare articles so many times that I don't even know what else to say anymore. We just need to wait for the website traffic to slow down then we can truly judge it.

  8. It seems to me that Obama is getting fed up with the Republican claims that the Affordable Care Act has failed when in reality it was just the website that needed work, and he has every right to be frustrated. This act is a good thing for the nation, yet there are still masses of people that can't understand that. Everyone deserves the right to healthcare and this will do exactly that. I am all for Obamacare and am excited to see how much of a beneficial impact it will make on the country.

  9. It seems like the Obama administration is trying to show that the bill is actually helping people,
    but to some it may seem like they are just trying to divert people from the issues with the
    website. I think that is where the comments from the critics of the bills come from. This diversion
    just gives the critics another excuse to complain about the bill. Even if there are no secrets in the
    bill, the critics make this circular argument that relates the bill's issues to the websites issues
    and somehow includes secrets that may not even exist as there is now evidence to support it.

  10. The controversy over the healthcare.gov website has been blown way out of proportion. The problems are fixed, and technical issues should not be taken to signify the failure of the law itself. Republicans are now grasping at whatever they can to try to take Obamacare down. Last week, in fact, Rick Santorum made an attempt to compare Nelson Mandela's fight against apartheid to Republicans' fight against Obamacare -- effectively equating the two issues. The ignorance of such a statement is obvious, but it is indicative of the fearmongering and exaggeration that the Republican party has used to oppose Obama's healthcare law.


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