Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Obama Sees a Rebound in his Approval Ratings

The President's approval ratings, which hit an all-time low last month at a 37% approval rate, have risen.  The newest New York Times/CBS News poll has Obama at a 42% approval rating.  Although this isn't a very impressive rate, the rise shows that the political fallout that the President received from the Obamacare website debacle has passed.  The approval rating for the Affordable Care Act has also risen from 31% to 39%.  These numbers, while not staggering, show that the rough reception given to the new law may be fading.


  1. It's good to hear that Obama's approval ratings have bounced back. As far as the Affordable Care Act goes, I agree with Wayne Gottschalk, "It will not be an issue within 18 months." Second terms are always hard for a president, but I think that the jury is still out when it comes to how Obama's presidency will be remembered.

  2. No presidents approval rating are every as good their second year, but having an approval rate of less than 50 percent is never good. I'm glad his approval rating did rise , but it's not yet at a good enough rate. Most people should feel that they can back their president. The Affordable Healthcare Act is a good way to get higher approval ratings if played right.

  3. It's not surprising that the affordable care act's approval ratings are low, people are always afraid of change. Citizens are just going to have to patient with it. Like the article said, once the benefits kick in the approval rates will rise. Gottschalk said there won't be any issues within 18 months, but to me that sounds like a lot could go wrong or change within that time.

  4. Its good that the Presidents approval ratings have finally started to raise from the 37% mark. After the failure of the Health Insurance website his approval plunged dramatically and the continued hits against the Affordable Care Act from the Republicans, its surprising that his ratings are climbing at such a fast pace. When it comes to the change, people aren't that accepting, but I think that now Obama's past this tuff part of the second term it should be better for a while.

  5. I think it is good that things seem to be improving for Obama, but it seems like the affordable Care Act really is not going the way anyone imagined. I think that health care reform is an important topic, but I'm not sure that the Affordable Care Act was the proper way to handle it or resolve the issue.

  6. It is good to see that President Obama's approval rating are increasing from the low levels they have been at. Like the article mentioned, I think the number of people who like the Affordable Healthcare Act will continue to rise as more people sign up and gain coverage under the program.

  7. It is good to see that President Obama's approval rating are increasing from the low levels they have been at. Like the article mentioned, I think the number of people who like the Affordable Healthcare Act will continue to rise as more people sign up and gain coverage under the program.

  8. Although it's not a huge change, any improvement is beneficial, both for Obama's approval rating and the public opinion of the Affordable Care Act. Hopefully this increase from the rough statistics of last month will continue as more people start to use (and benefit from) the act, especially now that the political fallout of the website seems to be ending.

  9. 42 percent is not a great number, but it is an improvement. Improving 5 percent is like having one more person out of 20 supporting you. However, the article still went in to say that 50 percent disapprove. If I was the president, I would be more concerned about the number of people who disapprove of me and try to make that number decrease, more so than worry about increasing the approval rating.

  10. I'm happy to see that President Obama's approval rate is improving, even if it is just a slight increase, Hopefully, as the Affordable Care Act has more time, the approval ratings for Obama and this healthcare plan will continue to rise.

  11. I'm glad to see Obama's ratings going up. Hopefully as the initial struggle of the healthcare website fades, and the real benefits of the Affordable Care Act are implemented Obama will see a greater rise in popularity.

  12. I'm happy to see that Obama's approval ratings are on the rise again. I think it was expected that after the unsuccessful website release his ratings would go way down. I hope that as people become more comfortable with the idea of the Affordable Care Act his approval ratings continue to rise.

  13. It's depressing to see our commander in chief's approval rating be so low. I think it is expected for both his and the affordable care act's ratings to go up, but it is still sad to see a rating below 50% for our president. I still believe that Obama's legacy, in the long run, will not be effected by Obamacare's website mishap.

  14. Unfortunately, the controversy of the new health care act has made a huge impact on Obama's approval ratings. Sometimes it seems as though the view of success of a politician is based primarily on one event. As Evan pointed out, people are afraid of change. The success of the new law depends on more people signing up, so hopefully a cycle will develop with the increasing approval rates: as more people are satisfied, more people sign up and vice versa.

  15. With Obamacare's less than stellar start it was no surprise that Obama had extremely low approval ratings. But soon at least some people adjusted to the new healthcare system so his approval ratings rose slightly. His approval ratings will mainly reflect the efficiency of Obamacare until it is solid.

  16. It's good that Obama is bouncing back from his very low percent approval rate. I think it's important for people to be able to trust their president, and that the Obamacare debacle could be a low point in his career, there is still time where things can go wrong or well for the president.

  17. Of course i would hope that the American public would approve of and support their president, but i should also hope the approval rating serve as a mirror to the president's preformance in office. Until his more resent plans come to fruition, i think ratings as of now are less relevant than they will be in months to come.

  18. Its nice to see the public going easy on the government for a little while. I think that the extremely low approval ratings of the government reflect an over reliance on the government by the american people. Although the government is still highly corrupt and inefficient, some of that is by design and if the public wants something done quickly, the government is not a very good place to look to. I also think that less emphasis on approval ratings or higher ones, would give politicians more confidence so they can actually make decisions. If they make the wrong decisions, at least we will know and can replace them, but inaction leaves everyone helpless and confused.


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