Wednesday, December 11, 2013

House to vote Thursday on budget deal

This article is about the new two year budget deal that is waiting to be approved by the House. The deal assures the American people that until 2015, there will not be another shutdown. However, some outside conservative groups are against this deal which has caused some tension in the Republican Party. What do you think of the conservative groups' opposition? Do you think that the House will approve the deal? If not, do you think the Party leaders can come up with a new deal?


  1. I wish the article went more in depth as to why exactly the conservative outside groups are opposed to this deal. It sounds to me like the deal will be able to be reached. It's assuring that a bipartisan deal could actually be reached in today's congress and even better that it will prevent a government shutdown through the next two years. Hopefully this is a good sign for things to come.

  2. It is encouraging to see that congress is finally showing some willingness to work across the aisle, having said that, agreement for the sake of agreement is not always the best course. Having never read the entirety of the bill itself, I am incapable of speaking accurately as to whether or not the bill will serve the purpose it is supposed to.

  3. We talked about this topic in class on Thursday of this week. It was interesting to see it from a different viewpoint. It shared the main ideas, but I liked how it was more in depth than our short class time allowed for. $85 billion is a lot of money to have taken away from the American people. It will be interesting to see where the House then Senate decides to vote. Obama already said that he would sign the bill so it is now only up to the two. It depends on how many leaning moderate members there are in each.

  4. It is encouraging that the House passed this bill. We are finally seeing some compromise. I think that the real test will be in the Senate though. As we discussed in class, the Senate has the ability to Filibuster, and this could pose a problem for this bill. Hopefully the Senate can get it together, because it would be nice if the government didn't shut down for the next two years.

  5. I think that this is great development between the two parties that they can actually make a compromise between them. The fact that the extreme partisanship has finally allowed for this to reach passing. I hope that they can keep this up because if this budget plan were not to pass by the deadline, we would have a government shutdown for two years.

  6. I am glad that a compromise was reached, but as Mr. Danson mentioned, a compromise doesn't really give anyone what they want. I think that having a budget agreement until 2015 will be a relief to the American people because of the government shutdown that happened earlier this year.

  7. It is good to see that in the current state of American politics that at least some sort of compromise can be reached. Although nobody gets exactly what they want, that is the meaning of a good compromise. As Michaela said we will see if the bill is truly a success based on what happens in the senate where there are a lot more strategies that can be used to stop the bill.

  8. I think this is a much-needed step forward for Congress. Even though House Democratic leaders were "lukewarm" about the agreement, it's good that both sides realize that compromising now will help with future legislation also. However, even though they are saying this now, it is unknown whether the agreement will actually pass when the time comes, or if it will actually work. The fact that it eliminates the threat of another government shutdown for that time period can't be a bad start.

  9. It's nice to see some compromise and progress actually being made. It's good that the bills says there is no possibility of a government shutdown until 2015. However, I would've liked to see more detail in explaining the bill, and also why is it that outside republicans are opposed to the bill.

  10. It's great to see that a bill was finally passed. Compromise is a major factor in our government, and although neither side receives exactly what they originally wanted, it's a step in the right direction.

  11. I think it's a good sign that they were able to pass the bill. With this bill stopping anymore government shutdowns, maybe congress can move onto other issues, and waste less time. Although their was opposition to the bill I think the fact that they were able to pass it is encouraging.

  12. I think it's a good sign that they were able to pass the bill. With this bill stopping anymore government shutdowns, maybe congress can move onto other issues, and waste less time. Although their was opposition to the bill I think the fact that they were able to pass it is encouraging.

  13. It is very encouraging to see that both sides were able to compromise on the bill and get it passed. The best thing about the passage of this bill is that we won't have to deal with passing a new bill for 2 more years.

  14. This is the first time since we have been in this class that we have seen such a large compromise among the two political parties. It is nice to see the two sides working together since we are constantly talking about the government's disfunction.

  15. This article is very refreshing after all the negative news we've seen related to the government shutdown. Of course, as others have pointed out, compromise is never ideal for anybody, but this news seems reassuring to me. Hopefully this may set a good precedent for bipartisan compromise in the future.

  16. It's good to hear that the government will not be shut down until 2015. Although the extremist tea party conservative's don't agree with the compromise they won't be able to prevent it from going through. The extreme conservative's are definitely hindering congress though.

  17. As a compromise, not everyone will get what they want. And maybe that is a good thing for congress considering the extreme polarization we have today. Perhaps that a compromise in congress is what the moderate American public would want.

  18. I think that even the idea of compromise is a great step forward for congress, especially after the shutdown. A large compromise would help to restore some of the faith lost in government that occurred during the shutdown.
    some of the things in the bill look promising, like fixing the results of the sequester.


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