Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Donald Trump's 'Rigged Election' Claims Raise Historical Alarms

This article talks about how a trump believes voter fraud is a huge problem. Saying the only way he would lose Pennsylvania is because of voter fraud. As stated in the article, Trump did say if he lost he would support Clinton, but his answer has changed; "We'll have to wait and see." It sounds to me that Trump is afraid is losing the election and wants to blame voter fraud on his possibly chances of losing. Do you think voter fraud is a severe problem? Do you think Trump will fully support Clinton if he loses the election? Why?


  1. I think that Trump is in no way going to take his defeat quietly. He'll probably react like a child that had his toy taken away, and raise allegations that probably have something to do with getting President Clinton imorisoned. He's not going to support her; his comments at the debate about waiting and seeing his reaction strongish suggested that.

  2. I too think Trump will not take a defeat peacefully. I think we will have to endure many more Trump headlines even after the election. Although voter fraud may be an issue I do not think it is the main excuse for his defeat in Pennsylvania.

  3. I do not think that Trump will take his defeat gracefully. By stating that "we'll have to wait and see" whether he supports Hillary if she wins after it was explained to him that the loser of the general election generally supports the winner, he is implying that he will not accept defeat to easily. After reading this article, I believe Trump will make a racket over the flaws of the election process if he is defeated. However, I do not think that voter fraud is such a great problem now, and it certainly will not be a major factor in the victory or defeat of either candidate.

  4. The peaceful transition of power between presidents is a fundamental part of American democracy. Mr. Trump's complaints about voter fraud are largely irrelevant, and whatever statistics he uses to support his claims are generally incorrect. This series of events reminds me of when Andrew Jackson denounced his loss to Adams as a "corrupt bargain" and criticized the political system. Now that I'm comparing the two, Mr. Trump's proposed deportations may compare to Jackson's forced relocations of Native Americans...

  5. I'm not sure how Trump will react of he loses the election, however I really hope he accepts it. In the debate he said he isn't sure if he will support Clinton, and that is troubling. In the earlier debates he said that he would support Clinton if he didn't win, and now, for some reason he has changed his mind. I think Trump is started to become concerned that he may not win and that is the reason why he is making the claims that there is voting fraud.

  6. Donald Trump, as he has shown many times throughout this election and in his past as a whole, is unwilling to accept his own failures; he always finds something else on which to blame them. By claiming the election is rigged (only if he loses!), Mr. Trump will once again show America that he feels entitled.

  7. I really don't think that voter fraud is a huge, serious issue facing our country, but rather an out for Donald Trump to explain why he lost. He will use anything (voter fraud, biased media, and whatever else he comes up with in the next couple of weeks) to make it seem like the real reason he lost is simply that less people wanted him as president. If he does loose I don't think Trump will want to support Clinton and he probably won't at first, but hopefully someone from the Republican party will force him to announce his support.

  8. I feel like it's definitely likely that Donald Trump will never accept the election if he loses. He has a hard time dealing with defeat and doesn't like when people prove him wrong. He probably will keep talking about this idea of "voter fraud" for a while although I really don't think that voter fraud is a big issue today but Donald Trump needs a reason for why he's not dong well other than the fact that he's just not doing well. We'll see though, maybe he'll surprise us!

  9. In regards to voter fraud, Trump is only using that for a "logical excuse" for why he will lose. Trump is so immature that he will never fully accept the fact that he will lose the election and that he is not fit to be president. As the election comes closer and closer, it is coming apparent to him that his chances are very slight, therefore he is making up all of these excuses as to why he wouldn't win and it is not professional. As for voter fraud, I don't see it as a big issue in this country right now (hopefully Trump won't make it into a big deal).

  10. I do not believe that Trump will act gracefully and appropriately in the face of defeat. Rather, he will act as he always has- like a child who was denied dessert. He already hinted at his reaction in the face of a Clinton victory and it is as infantile as one may expect. Trump has no respect for the order of things and will not take a loss in stride. His temper and ego have once again made his decision for him.

  11. There's no way that Trump will act appropriately if he loses. The fact that he has even acknowledged that before the voting has taken place shows how little faith the American people should have in him. Plenty of people lose elections all the time and it's very immature of Trump to insist that if he doesn't win it's due to cheating. If voter fraud were really a problem we need to be talking about, it would have been brought up much sooner than when an unqualified candidates loses a presidential election.

  12. I think that voter fraud would be a huge problem if it existed to the extent that Trump says it does, but in its current state I don't think that it could affect the election. It seems to me that Trump is using voter fraud as an excuse for why he might lose the election, since he doesn't want to take any accountability for it. Even now, he refuses to definitively say whether he will accept if he loses, only mentioning that "we'll see" when election day comes around. Personally, I think that there is no chance of Trump taking a loss well; based on his entire personality, and especially his performance in debates, he is far too immature for a graceful defeat to occur. If he loses, he will scream voter fraud, and make himself look even worse than he already does.

  13. Trump's behavior up to this point has been nothing but disgraceful, immature, and rude; when he loses the presidency there won't be a change in this pattern. I'm sure he won't take the loss easily and will bash Clinton. He probably will blame it on many factors, including voting fraud, and won't own up to his own extensive faults.

  14. I don't think that voter fraud (if there is any present) would have that much of an effect on the election at this point anyway, and if anything, would probably be due to the result of a foreign party as there are no real benefits to anybody who could be traced back to the US at this point. Both parties would have more to lose than to gain by trying to cheat the system for some sort of advantage, so I don't think that this is as much of a problem that Trump suggests just by logic. If anything, it just seems like a childish attempt by Trump to dodge reasons for his failure and blaim it on his opponent, which is just weak. Unfortunately, the supporters of Trump are probably going to follow along with whatever he says at this point, which means that after the election, Trump could still be a political distraction.

  15. Trump is expected to lose the election and he knows it too, so it is not surprising that he's blaming voter fraud for being the cause. There is no chance that Donald Trump will accept his defeat peacefully and acknowledge Hillary as the president given the way he's behaving now. I can only imagine how he will respond to defeat.

  16. Voter fraud is not a problem. Not even a little bit. This is an issue that Republicans propagate in order to suppress minority turnout in states they want to secure for the Republican base. Only person I've ever heard to commit voter fraud is Ms. Ann Coulter Esq.

  17. I don't think Trump would have acted appropriately if he lost the election. He was expected to lose the election, and blaming it on voter fraud would have been just another way to rally his voters. Voter fraud isn't a problem and hasn't been for decades. It's ridiculous that he would have blamed it on that if he had lost.

  18. I do not believe that Trump would have supported Hillary if he had lost this election. With his manner, he most likely would have caused a big scene if he conceded the win. I think that Trump was using the whole voter fraud thing as an excuse for his uncertainty in his outcome in the election.


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