Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Dr. Ben Carson compares Obamacare to American slavery, Soviet Communism

Before I tell you about this article you must know two things about me; 1. I hate Rabbits 2. The only thing I hate more than Rabbits is Communism. This article is a Republican view point on Obama Care. Dr. Ben Carson, an African - American, states that Obama Care is the worse thing in America since slavery. He also says it is impossible to deny the fact that Obama Care is a Communist idea created by Vladimir Lenin. Michelle Bachman called it "The crown jewel of socialism." Lenin called socialized medicine the keystone to a socialist state. Before this article I was for healthcare, but some facts are hard to ignore. This truly is a communist idea, and that shouldn't be tolerated in this country. We fought to hard to destroy communism for it to come back to the United States. Now I don't agree with the government shutdown, but I don't think Obamacare belongs in the United States. Any communist idea doesn't belong in this country.


  1. This site, "Examiner dot com" is not a legitimate news source and should not be used in the future for posting articles on the blog.

  2. When I read the first paragraph, I had assumed that this article was a joke. Comparing Obamacare and slavery is completely outlandish. Yes, both are controversial topics. However, this is one of the only true similarities. The fact that he got a standing ovation from 2000 attendees is astonishing . Wouldn't at least a few people really realize what he just compared? A man who is so qualified in areas of academics should have a better standpoint. His ideas can be understood to some degree but I feel as though I would need to hear the entire speech for some clarity on the matter.

  3. The further I got into this article, the more I started to think that what Dr. Carson said made at least some sense. If the government is in absolute control of some aspect of our life, isn't it technically socialist? I guess so, but I never really thought of it in that sense. Regardless, I don't care what a law is about or how ridiculous or socialist it may be, comparing it to something as terrible as slavery is bad. This is not to say that I support communism or socialism, but it is definitely not comparable to something like slavery. However, after noticing what Mr. Danson said, this article does start to become a bit shady and unconvincing. Even more, what kind of article has at the end "follow Joe on Twitter @jnewby1956" and "visit and like his Facebook page"? I don't see many credible news sources listing that at the end of their articles.

  4. Like Ian, I also thought that this article was a joke when I started reading it, but I quickly learned that it was intended to be serious. Although the article itself is not a joke, I still found it very poorly supported. For instance Dr. Ben Carson says that Obamacare is making all of us subservient to government, but he never explains why. He also says that Obamacare is "the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery", which is sounds completely ridiculous when put in perspective with 9/11 (or other national tragedies).

  5. Well you certainly went off of the beaten path of objective news with this one. I'm going to be honest, my political views on health care aren't very strong, mostly because I do not have enough knowledge on the subject. However, this definitely crosses a line for me. I agree completely with Ian here because Obamacare simply cannot be paralleled with slavery. The only real facts are the life expectancies compared between the U.S and Russia. Even this doesn't give substantial support to his argument because these facts are ignoring many other factors that would make the U.S life expectancy higher than that of Russia. I found this a very interesting article to read, but definitely a view that is too extreme.

  6. Like Ian, I am still wondering how Dr. Carson got a standing ovation with his extremely controversial speech. I understand feeling strongly about politics in your country, but comparing something meant to help people to slavery (which was known to be unethical) is just wrong. If he had used more factual arguments instead of dramatic accusations he probably would have been able to sell his point better. The fact that he instead connects it to Russia and socialism shows that he's passionate about his stance but has no facts to support it.

  7. This outlandish article at first made me laugh and assume everything that would follow would be as single minded as the beginning, but what would follow made me actually think into it a little, even though I disagreed completely with the statements. This Dr. Ben Carson gave this speech to an estimated two-thousand people and still received a standing ovation for what he said. I don't know the profile of who this was targeted towards, but one can assume that it was pointed at many of the Tea Party followers and Republicans. These incredibly lucid statements had very little factual points to support even tiny portion of them, and that really bothered me on how he could get away with flat out lying.

  8. I don't have much to say, mainly because Mr. Danson discredited this and it's really just ridiculous, but something I do feel is worth pointing out is that a lot of other things - education, transportation, business, energy, etc. - are regulated and in part controlled legally. I don't understand why a step to the left in medicine, an action that would literally save lives, is so controversial when these other things don't appear to be.

  9. I feel this comparison is absolutely ridiculous. Dr. Carson thinks that Obamacare is "the worst thing that has happened to this country since slavery," which is absurd. On top of this ridiculous parallel, there is no adequate support. He compares Obamacare to slavery saying it "makes us subservient to the government" yet he never goes on to explain further or give examples. The article has no support, and could easily not be taken seriously.

  10. I don;t think that I can necessarily agree or disagree with Dr. Carson because I don't know that much about Obamacare. This article makes Dr. Carson seem a little radical because they don't really go very in depth to his reasoning. Maybe Obamacare isn't the best solution, but many countries have universal, and free healthcare but these countries aren't called Communist. I think that if a government is supposed to protect its citizens, then free healthcare is a huge part of that protection.

  11. I agree with Erin. Dr. Carson gives no evidence or support to his thoughts of Obamacare. I don't think Obamacare is the best solution, but I wouldn't say that President Obama is planning on turning the US into a socialist state, and I certainly wouldn't compare it to slavery. With Dr.Carson's reasoning, you could say that any law is forcing us to comply with the government's commands.

  12. Completely ridiculous! Obamacare is not leading the US into some kind of backwards socialist country, rather it is a small, much needed step bringing our healthcare system closer to EVERY other industrialized modern country.

  13. It is clear that Dr. Carson is very against Obamacare, however, it is hard to agree or disagree with his opinions due to the lack of information presented in the article. Carson is very up front when comparing America to Russia and declaring that Obamacare is the "crown jewel of socialism." However, he fails to back up these thoughts with some structured evidence supporting his point. This leads me to believe his argument has no merit.

  14. It is clear that Dr. Carson is very against Obamacare, however, it is hard to agree or disagree with his opinions due to the lack of information presented in the article. Carson is very up front when comparing America to Russia and declaring that Obamacare is the "crown jewel of socialism." However, he fails to back up these thoughts with some structured evidence supporting his point. This leads me to believe his argument has no merit.

  15. I initially thought that the article was going to mock a radical individual who obviously despised obamacare. Dr. Ben Carson somehow relates Obamacare to a communist transformation in America. I then thought that Carson was going to be exploited, but instead he was validated and the author used Michelle Bachman as support for his main point. The final paragraph clearly demonstrates the author's lack of professionalism as he is trying to impose his view points to all of his readers.

  16. I honestly found this article ridiculous. Comparing Obamacare which could help a majority of our country to slavery is simply outrageous. Also, many other countries (which are not communist) have universal healthcare. Carson is far too extreme to take seriously, and also using Michelle Bachman as support does not make an argument any more valid in any way.

  17. I disagree with Dr. Ben Carson here as he believes that Obama's motive to implement "Obamacare" was to gain federal power. I believe that Obama implemented healthcare legislation because every major power in the world has affordable healthcare except for us. Comparing "Obamacare" to slavery is ludicrous because he was simply trying to catch America up to the other powers.

  18. Of course the Affordable Care Act is a socialist policy, that much is clear, however Dr. Carson was slightly over-dramatic in his description, but only slightly. These policies are a slippery slope, and as stated by several officials, "Obamacare" is a stepping stone towards a more aggressive health care reform.


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