Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I'll Take A Lot Of Credit.

Mitt Romney doing what he can to say hey I helped America out. Despite his "let Detroit go bankrupt" statement in 2008. Obama claims that Romney was only trying to "fool" the public..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/08/mitt-romney-auto-industry_n_1498520.html

  3. I think it's clear that Romney had absolutely nothing to do with the automotive industry getting back on its feet. This entire article had quote after quote of governor Romney not supporting the bailout bills. "Bailout of enterprises that are in trouble, that's not the right way to go," Romney told CNN's Larry King in 2009. "I know President Bush started it with the auto industry. I thought it was a mistake." That is just one of many quotes that do not help Romney's case.

  4. so what's happened here is that Romney has voiced what he would have done, and that it's clear that he had no effect or weight on the outcome of Chrysler and GM's bailouts. Fantastic Romney, I could've sworn you could've said "I love cars" previously, too!

  5. In the general election Romney will suffer for these comments. Most voters are in favor of saving the auto industry. Maybe the industry needs to be more competitive but allowing them to completely fail doesn't make sense and doing nothing was not the answer. Take all the credit you want to, we still won't give it to you.

  6. This is just Romney trying to claw his way into the race by making claims about the past that aren't really true. Sure, it's easy to voice opinions with hindsight, but the fact is that he didn't do anything about it back in 08. We definitely shouldn't give him the credit.

  7. In general, these comments will hurt Romney because most people are supportive of the automotive industry. Allowing the industry to fail doesn't make sense and certainly was not the right thing to do, even though the industry might need to be more competitive. sucks to suck, Romney - you're not getting credit for this one.

  8. Mitt would never let Detroit go bankrupt, its his past, and he will always be a part of the automobile industry, its also too big to fail, and we can't just let a whole industry go under, americans would lose jobs, and America would begin to lose money and face if a president just let a whole industry collapse.


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