Thursday, May 8, 2014

Putin Announces Pullback From Ukraine Border


  1. Putin almost certainly has an ulterior motive in his decision to pull out (if he actually does) from the border of the Ukraine. Putin is completely indifferent to the loss of life and human suffering, so long as his interests are protected. Thus, it must be in his interest to bide his time before making his next move of aggression. We must not be deceived by Putin’s move: he did not have a change in heart. It is only a matter of time. Fortunately, this means that the United States has been given the gift of time to get re-establish American credibility and take control of the situation. Unfortunately, President Obama will not take advantage of this opportunity if the past is a predictor of the future.

  2. I definitely agree with Andrew that Putin has an ulterior motive in his decision. He is using this decision to create controversy and distract everyone from his true plans. Instead of focusing on why Putin made this decision, we should focus more on getting a step or two ahead of him. We have some time, but I don't think there will be much. It should be interesting to see how the president handles this.

  3. Personally, I think Putin is finally beginning to realize that the costs of beginning a war far outweigh the perceived benefits. At least, that's what I hope. In actuality, he is probably just stalling to figure out Russia's best next move. When that comes to light I will definitely be interested to see what comes next.

  4. I'll be the optimist and say that Putin is withdrawing from Ukraine because he realizes it's not worth it. From the article, it seems like Putin is lazy. I wouldn't bet on Russia getting involved in Ukraine again anytime soon. However, that shouldn't be an excuse for Western leaders to relax. They still need to assume that Putin is a loose canon.

  5. I feel like Putin is realizing that the US isn't going to take the bait and send troops to the Ukraine. Hopefully this is the first move to peace in the Ukraine as far as Russia is concerned, but I agree that there might be another motive that Putin is working towards. Staying on top of Putin is the best bet for us right now, but making any moves without a definitive purpose could cause problems.

  6. I'm glad to hear this obviously, however, Putin is a power-hungry kind of guy. Like Andrew said, he may have another motive in doing something like this. Because what was the point of sending in troops to Ukraine, if he is going to take them out this quickly?

  7. I agree with Olivia. It is relieving to see Putin stepping back, but we cannot take this opportunity to just breathe a sigh of relief. I think it would be a big mistake for the United States to sit back and watch another Putin plan unfold again, we must act immediately the next time. It is in our best interest to be keeping a close eye on Russia. Putin is a sneaky little guy and we can't let him get away with his devious little plans.

  8. This is good news to hear, as further conflict between Ukraine and Russia could get very ugly. Hopefully Putin stays back now, but knowing Putin that is very unlikely. I am sure he has some sort of plan he intends to put into effect, so as always we should continue to monitor his actions very closely. Who knows what he is capable of.

  9. Great news. Putin pulling back prevents tensions to rise even higher. While Putin is very sporadic in his decision making, we can chalk this up as a victory in the meantime. There is definitely a reason for Putin's withdrawal, and we will find out in the upcoming months.


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