Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Supreme Court puts brakes on same-sex marriages in Utah pending appeal

The issue discussed in the link describes how the supreme court effectively reversed a ruling made by an Utah federal judge that decided banning gay marriage was unconstitutional.  Of course, any ruling by the Supreme Court will supersede all others, but was it the right thing to do?  The first amendment makes it clear that government is forbidden from making any laws regarding religion, does marriage fall under that category?  Some may argue yes, but conversely there are those that think marriage has evolved to be a purely political undertaking.  Another issue raised was the cost to taxpayers that will ensue by attacking the supreme court's decision.  Should the issue be dropped out of economic interest, or is there an issue of morality that takes precedence over monetary issues?


  1. I do believe that gays should be allowed to marry. I think that same sex marriage is an issue that people will look back on in 50 years and think "why would anyone ever oppose that?" I also don't think that it is right to use tax payer dollars in this legal battle, but I don't see another way.

  2. This frustrates me a lot. I think that if anyone wants to get married, it is their business and no one else's business. I think that politics should have nothing to do with it. I also think religion should not apply to same sex marriage. I agree with Michaela that is unfair to use taxpayer's money to fight this battle, but it seems to be the only way.

  3. I agree with Yarrow on this. Politics should have nothing to do who wants to marry who. Frankly, if two men or two women got married, how much would it really affect your life? It shouldn't really have that much of an effect. I think there are certain things that the government has no need to invade on, and I think this is one of those issues.

  4. I agree with my classmates that marriage should be a private personal matter and politics should not be involved in any way. I think there is a moral obligation to fight for same sex marriage no matter how much money it costs taxpayers. I wish taxing the people wasn't the only way to fight for gay rights.

  5. I definitely agree with Yarrow that for something like same-sex marriage politics should not be involved. Men should be allowed to marry men and women should be allowed to marry women. It's a huge waste of the 2 million taxpayers dollars that it will cost to continue the court battle. Already seventeen states allow or will soon allow same-sex marriage, and it's time that other states still trying to forcefully fight it realize that it's not something that will affect or hurt them.

  6. I agree that any person should be allowed to marry whoever they want regardless of gender or any other factor. Marriage is a private matter that each person should be able to make their own personal choice in. I think it is ridiculous that people are still debating about this and having using tax payers dollars, but it is an issue that is worth using them for.

  7. Personally, I believe that one should be able to marry whomever they choose. The issue of marriage should not be a political matter. It is a personal matter only. Same-sex marriage is not affecting you if you're not in the marriage. This is also a complete waste of 2 million taxpayer dollars on an issue which only affects the two people getting married.

  8. The fact that two million dollars of the taxpayers money had to be used to discuss this matter is a shame in my opinion. I see nothing wrong with same sex marriage. If two people want to get married that is there business. It affects me in no way. What harm could it bring. If we look back on an issue like this in two hundred years, those against gay marriage will seem like those who were for segregation today. Basically, the happiness of a couple should have nothing to do with politics.

  9. I agree with Yarrow and Michaela. Marriage shouldn't be a matter of politics. If the United States made some sort of restriction on a marriage between a man and a woman there would be a public outcry. This is something that, in my opinion, is worthy of the tax payer's money. I understand that not all people think so, but our country is slowly moving towards a nation that allows same sex marriage. The way I see it, the sooner the better.

  10. It really frustrates me that that the government thinks it has the right to tell people who they are and aren't allowed to marry. I definately think that this should be an issue at the forefront because not allowing same-sex marriage is a form of discrimination which should have no part in our country by now. This issue has taken the back seat for too long. It's time to be dealt with.

  11. I completely agree with what everyone has been saying, that any consenting adult should be able to marry any other consenting adult. It's really sad that Utah is trying to reverse the progress that is being made on this civil rights front.

  12. Like everyone else, I agree that same sex couples should be allowed to get married. Many couple already have families or adopted children they have to take care of, and by the states not allowing them to get married puts them at a disadvantage. But I would prefer to have at least some states that allow same sex marriage rather than none at all. It shows that this issue is finally making progress.

  13. Politics should have nothing to do with who you wish to marry, as Yarrow and Kevin pointed out. If you don't believe in same sex marriage then you don't believe in it. Politics shouldn't be able to intervene on a topic at this deep a personal level. Who you marry should be your choice.

  14. These are issues that should not have a place being intermingled in our developing society. I believe that as a citizen you should be allowed to marry anyone whom you want to. It isn't a question about politics, it's about the religious beliefs of others being imposed upon people with a whole different set of beliefs. Its about the happiness of a couple, not the legitimacy of the marriage in the eyes of a church.

  15. I love what Michaela said because I think it will be 100% accurate: “Same sex marriage is an issue that people will look back on in 50 years and think 'why would anyone ever oppose that?'” It is baffling how we have so many other issues to focus on...yet we're wasting our time with something that shouldn't even exist as an issue in the first place.

  16. Like everyone else, I agree that marriage should not be a political matter. A person should be able to marry whomever they want and politics should not get in the way of that. I think it is a total waste of two million taxpayer dollars to be arguing something that should only affect the two people who are getting married.

  17. There is really nothing good about this entire situation, they are using our tax payers money to fight a fight that shouldn't even be needed to fight. I don't see why gay marriage should be illegal it should be the citizens choice as to who they want to marry.

  18. Just to reiterate my classmates' comments, I think that this is a waste of money on an issue that should be settled by now. I don't see why it matters to so many people what other people want to do regarding their personal lives. I agree with Maddie completely that, "we're wasting our time with something that shouldn't even exist as an issue in the first place."

  19. Unless the local courts have substantial evidence to support their case, i can't see the Supreme Court overturning their previous decision. If the high court does not stand up for itself, state courts will do whatever they want and the arguments for state rights vs federal power would be rekindled. I also think that the arguments against same-sex marriage are incredibly offensive, such arguments basically boil down to "same-sex couples can't properly raise children", an argument that is both false and immoral, which is why I don't think that bans on same-sex marriage should be allowed.

  20. Just like everyone else has said, I think this is a waste of taxpayer money on a issue that shouldn't even be an issue anymore. Hopefully we will be able to witness the age where same-sex couples finally gain the civil rights that they deserve. I guess we'll all have to wait and rely on the Supreme Court to make the right decision.

  21. I really don't think that marraige is something that needs to involve goverment. I also think that this fight is deeply rooted in relgions and the gender-roles that come from them, and that legislation banning gay marraige is against the first ammendment.


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