Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ryan Sees Urban Vote as Reason G.O.P. Los

Ryan Sees Urban Vote as Reason G.O.P. Lost
This article begins by stating why Ryan blames the urban vote as the reason for the GOP loss, but finishes by explaining how there is much more to the reason for the GOP loss, other than the urban vote. Marc Morial is quoted as saying that "what Paul Ryan misses is that the Republicans have been losing the urban vote for a long, long time", something, I agree, is obvious. Also brought up is Michael M. Honda's opinion that Ryan's use of "urban' is just another code word for people of color". [Ryan] is just grabbing at straws to justify his loss".
From this article, I feel that the best point made is that "not all of [Ryan's] colleagues agree with Mr. Ryan's analysis, arguing that the party needs to focus on reaching a broader coalition". If this party does not begin making some changes, and they don't need to be radical ones, then their chances of winning elections will become slimmer and slimmer.


  1. Romney and Ryan didn't have a chance in the urban areas if you ask me. Urban areas are traditionally more democratic to begin with and throw in a black candidate they're completely at a loss. I saw part of an interview Ryan did where he said they significantly overestimated the "white" vote going on to say not enough whites turned out to vote and that's why he believed they lost the election. The Republican Party has to do some major reconstruction in order to become more attractive to minorities and "urban" voters; however, they're always going to go for

  2. I agree with Nora in the fact that Republicans (from my experiences of the presidential elections) never won the Urban areas and if they did, it wasn't the most important ones. The Urban areas are more democratic and the southern areas are more republican. It's been like that for the past two elections it seems and the Republican party didn't change enough to make any difference or to sway peoples opinions in the Urban areas. I also agree with Nora in the sense that the Republican Party needs to change their ways if they want to win the election. I am not against the republicans, I just want someone who will do something better for the country than what we have had in the past.

    1. To add on to what I have said, the Republican party lost some of the rural, white areas as well so it isn't just the urban areas. Romney didn't even win his home state, which says something (not that he is a bad person, but that the people there are way more democratic than republican).

  3. I think it is highly inappropriate for Ryan to blame it all on the northeast. The Republicans need to branch out and also be less extreme. In general also I just felt that Romney was a lot less likeable than Obama and that made a difference too. Also in defense of the northeast couldn't they have blamed oh I do not know CALIFORNIA!? Romney kissed the northeast good bye when he stopped most of the advertisement, so if you ask me it's Romney and Ryan's own fault they lost!

  4. I agree that Ryan is just trying to make excuses. The GOP has not had the urban vote in any recent election and it was very obvious that the GOP was not going to win in urban areas, even to Ryan. I agree that by using the word urban he his referring to minorities. It is not a big secret that minorities are not the biggest fan of the GOP, and why should they. The GOP needs to take a good look at this election and realize that if they do not open up to more minorities, and step away from the far right such as the Tea Partiers they will be a lot more successful.

  5. Ryan is making excuses. What the republicans need to learn from this loss is how to appeal to everyone. The democrats are very good at getting the majority of minority votes like blacks and hispanics for instance. Ryan can't just blame urban areas for their loss. I'm glad that some of Ryan's colleagues realize that what he said was false.

  6. I don't think that Ryan is making excuses. It's a fact that urban areas are overwhelmingly democratic. I do agree that the GOP has to make some reforms if they want to increase their chances of winning future elections. I do however, believe that there are many misconceptions about the Republican Party, and maybe raising awareness about what the party really stands for would be more beneficial.

  7. I agree with Nora that Ryan should have been aware of the Democratic dominance in urbam areas. His analysis seems like an excuse for the Republicans loss, because i think that there were multiple factors for the loss. For example, Obama was more likable for me because he seemed more consistent with his ideas than Romney. The one thing the GOP should gain from Ryan's analysis, if it is true, is that the Republicans have to appeal to a more diverse group of people if they want to be more successful in future elections.

  8. I agree with the consensus that the Republican Party has to appeal to a broader share of the electorate. Maybe Romney did lose because there was high urban turnout for Obama. The GOP has to provide a reason why voters in Philly or San Francisco would want to vote for a Republican ticket next time around.

    I also disagree with Ryan's assertipn that by reelecting House Republicans the people have not given Obama a mandate to raise taxes on the wealthy. A multitude of issues go into a House election. Ryan should look at opinion polls about eliminating our debt if he wants to find out what the majority of Americans want done.

  9. I think it's funny that he blamed the loss on urban areas, which he knew were going to vote Democratic all along. It's like in a football game (or any other sport) if one team blamed their loss on the fact that the other team wanted to beat them. But Ryan, Romney, and the GOP should focus on ways to win over people in urban areas instead of blaming them. As the world population grows, more cities are created and it is not a good political strategy to not bother with cities and rely on rural areas. Eventually, something has to change for the Republican party to remain competitive nationally, which I think will happen.

  10. The urban areas are where the bulk of the population is, so I don't know why Ryan would blame them instead of trying to gain any of their votes for future elections. With that said, I don't think any level of campaigning is going to sway the votes of urban areas, especially with a colored candidate for president. The Republicans will always have the South and most rural areas, but that won't lead to wins in elections as more people move to areas around big cities.


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