Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Democrats Like a Romney Idea on Income Tax

Article- http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/13/us/politics/democrats-like-a-romney-idea-to-cap-tax-deductions.html?ref=politics

(I forget how to do the hyperlink stuff) (Actually, the title might have it linked, I'm very confused)

This article is about how the Democrats have been looking into and liking one of Romney's ideas. He had an idea, similar to Obama's, that would "limit income house deductions to 28%." I'm not going to act like I know what that means... This article jumped out at me because of the fact that the Democrats are embracing an idea by the man who just lost to President Obama in the election so soon after the election. Obama even criticized this idea in the past and I found it strange that the Democrats embraced it so soon after the election.


  1. If more people, both Democrats and Republicans, began embracing ideas they believed to be good regardless of party affiliation, the government would be a much more effective in improving our country. As we move towards the Fiscal Cliff deadline, I wonder if anything will come of this idea.

    1. I completely agree. This issue is not separating Americans based on party affiliation so much as our own self interest. If "efficiency" means the greatest possible outcome for the greatest number of people, then it is no surprise that both parties are in concurrence over the issue of increasing the Government's revenue and decreasing the deficit.

  2. I think this is an appropriate time to use one of Mr. Danson's favorite quotes: "Politics makes strange bedfellows." I think it would be facetious to call this bipartisanship, but it is not a bad idea.
    Personally, I am not opposed to raising taxes if there is legitimate spending cuts to go along with said increase, not just superficial cuts. Last year during the major deficit debates that stalled for weeks, if proportionally, the amount of government spending was compared to $100, Congress would have been arguing over cutting 40 cents of it. The breadth of government spending is simply unsustainable, even if we raise the rates on the wealthy. Regardless of what you believe the government should be doing, the reality is that some programs that may be popular will need to be cut or reduced. If the numbner $16 trillion doesn't scare you...

  3. I completely agree with Grace on this. Even though we're all entitled to our own opinions, in order for government to function we have to put beliefs aside and work as a team to reach a common goal. I just find it funny that Democrats are now endorsing (partly) a Republican's plan. It shows that we are starting to put our needs to the side and recognize the need of America

  4. I believe we need to cut loopholes that the rich often use to pay lower taxes such as Romney. 14% I mean come on people the middle class pays a higher rate than that. A multimillionaire should not be able to jump through loopholes and get away with paying lower taxes.
    If only the sixteenth amendment wasn't passed we would not be in this tax code dilemma. taxing someones income or property or any direct tax is morally wrong. If some one is wealthy and rightfully so then why should we take away the fruits of their labor or anyone's labor. we need drastic budget cuts. not proposed cuts that would cut spending over a decade. WE NEED CUTS NOW!!!!!

  5. Obviously there is still a long way to go, but this gives me a bit of hope of both parties working together, or at least admitting to liking the ideas of the other party. In a perfect world, politicians would put aside the pettiness and really try to work together.

  6. We have a divided government, therefore for anything to pass through congress, there needs to be agreements between the two parties. I think it is a step in the right direction to have democratics likely a republican idea. If there is one agreement then maybe it will lead to more agreements.

  7. I think Democrats are pursuing a bipartisan endeavor or simply pursuing decent/cordial terms with Republicans partly because they want to ensure that Obama will not be blocked in his plans as often by the House of Representatives, and partly to calm Americans and show that this country still has hope and the two groups so opposed of each other during the election can work together on issues. Regardless, I am glad to see hints of bipartisan work and hope that the Democrats can follow through and work with the Republicans, vice versa.

  8. I agree that the title of this article most-likely caught many people's attention because the word "Democrats" and the phrase "like a Romney idea" does not happen everyday. On the other hand, it may have been shocking as to why Romney proposed the dollar cap on income tax deductions, and that is why some Democrats are currently supporting the proposal. (I like the "lame duck" references in the article, which makes it seem like the article has a connection to our textbooks.)

  9. Regardless of the actual amount of bipartisanship this really shows, any sort of reach across the center is good news. The deficit has to come down one way or another so I look at any sort of compromise or even proposed compromise as a sign of progress in the right direction.

    1. I totally agree im a fan any time a politician crosses the aisle to work with the other party because those are the times in most cases where a bill that is best for the american people not just one party's core constituents

  10. I believe that the title shows that there is an agreement between the Democrat and Republican parties hilites the idea of having a moderate outlook during the presidential campaign. This links with what we learned in class saying that candidates appeal to the activists in primaries and moderates in the presidential election. I do question on why it was said so soon after the results as well.

  11. Any occurrence of blurring party lines is good. Democrats approving of a Republican idea provides for such an occurrence and is a step in the right direction.

  12. An agreement is exactly what this country needs! The Republicans really need the Democrats to pick up this more conservative side because the GOP has appeared to be to one sided lately; this brings their image a little closer to the middle. It is quite a relief to see that the parties are putting their views to the side and are doing what is best for the country, rather than for themselves.

  13. I completely agree with Katie. Our country is severely divided along political lines. If the democracts can approve of a Republican idea especially immediately after an election then we are heading for the right direction. For our country to function better the parties must be able to compromise more often and began to eliminate the hard lines dividing the Democrats and Republicans


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