Wednesday, December 3, 2014

House Republicans Crafting Plan to Avoid Shutdown

Republicans are preparing to take control of Congress in January, but first they must overcome an obstacle. Funding for many federal programs ends very soon, and a shut down of the government could occur next week if new plans for funding are not approved. The big issue with passing the new funding programs is that the Republicans want to attach a symbolic vote to destroy Obama's executive action. Because not all Republicans are going to vote for this new funding plan, the Republicans need some help from the Democrats, but the Democrats do not want to diminish President Obama's legal authority. How do you think the Democrats should act in this situation? Do they support the Democratic President and risk a government shutdown, or do they bite the bullet for the sake of maintaining a working government?


  1. The upcoming large republican majority in both houses is nerve-wracking, especially when speaking of a possible government shutdown. I would hope that the democrats wouldn't support the diminishment of the president's authority. This would lead to a major imbalance in government, favoring republicans heavily.

  2. I would hope that the Republicans would be doing everything they can to avoid a government shutdown. I think that they should spend their time trying to fund the government instead of trying to dismantle the President's executive order.

  3. This is a very tough question. I think that the Democrats should bite the bullet and pass the bill. It is too important to having a working government. While Obama having no power is a big problem it is an even bigger problem not having a government. I feel as though the Democrats need to vote to pass this bill.

  4. I am relieved to hear that the Republican Party recognizes that it cannot do much to stop the president's agenda on immigration due to the system that funds the Department of Homeland Security and that they're steps to avoid a shutdown, but the fact that they want to "take the ink out" of the president's symbolic pen is slightly concerning. It contradicts what the Republican Party leaders say about wanting to avoid gridlock in congress because they're directly opposing the president's newly created plan. That concerns me.

  5. A government shutdown is not something that the United States needs right now. A shutdown would only decrease what is left of the American people's trust in the system. I feel that the Democrats should pass the bill and that this wouldn't necessarily imbalance the government.

  6. I think it is good news that Republicans recognize that they cannot keep shutting down the government when they can't get what they want. Americans are tired of the constant budget showdowns and just want Congress to pass something without there being a risk of a government shutdown. However, Republicans knowing they can't undo Obama's immigration order yet trying to anyway seems pointless to me. Yes they score some political points for opposing it but in the end it is their own fault that he had to order it anyway. If they had spent more time passing immigration reform and less time opposing everything Obama did maybe more would have gotten down. I think that Democrats should pass the bill but not give in when Republicans come back next year thinking they will be able to defund Obama's executive order on immigration. If they want it to be overturned then they should pass a immigration reform bill instead.

  7. Another government shutdown would definitely "squander the support voters gave them [Republicans] at the polls last month." I think the Republicans should be focusing on how to get the government working rather than focusing on shutting down the immigration affirmative action taken by President Obama. It would lead to even more governmental problems.

  8. Oh good, I'm glad the republicans are realizing that shutting down the government isn't something that's helpful to anyone. It's very embarrassing for a nation to just be able to...shut down? I think that the Democrats should pass the bill, because the two parties do need to start working together. However, the Republicans should stop focusing on disagreeing with everything Obama says.

  9. I am encouraged by the fact that many Republican reps are intoning that they are trying to avoid another government shut down. However, I am slightly disgusted by the fact that many republicans want to pass an even shorter term spending bill so that they can then shape more permanent legislation next year when they are in the majority. The parties need to think more about doing whats best for the American people than waiting until they are in the majority and can pass polarizing legislation. I think the symbolic vote regarding immigration is a waste of time. If it is "symbolic" and cannot do anything, it is not worth doing. However, I do believe they should pass the bill to fund the government through the next fiscal year. Government shutdown should be avoided at all costs.

  10. With the Republicans controlling both the house and the senate along with being completely against what the president says, I think this could cause a very serious (and excuse my language) clusterfuck. I agree with Schafer about how wrong it is for the republicans to move for a short term bill so their decisions are more permanent. If only the different parties in the government could actually work together and compromise for the betterment of the nation instead of their own selfish agenda...

  11. I fear that the best option for the democrats is to sign on to the bill. A government shutdown is to detrimental to the country as a hole. I am angered that once again republican's are using the threat of government shutdown as leverage against democrats and the american people.


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