Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Martin O’Malley, a Hillary Clinton Loyalist, Is Now a Potential 2016 Alternative

Martin O'Malley is arising as a possible challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination. He is campaigning hard, but refuses to directly comment on any of Hilary's policy. Some believe his economic policy is an area of concern, while others believe that his age will make it hard for him to mobilize the younger vote. What do you think about this possible nominee?


  1. What I really want to now is what these candidate stand for. I know their for minimum wage and more environmental regulation. But what NEW ideas do they have? Same for Republicans. No one has any revolutionary ideas, thats why were so bogged down in partisan ramblings...

  2. I think that having new candidates is good because it gives us a wider selection to choose from. That being said i would like to see candidates take strong stances. I want to know how they feel and what action they are going to take.

  3. I personally do not agree with all of Hilary Clinton's points so it be nice to have another candidate to choose from. However, like Mike said, it would be great to what this potential candidate stands for.

  4. It's great to have more seemingly viable candidates in the Democratic Party. I am interested in what Malley's positions are. Hopefully more is heard from him.

  5. I agree with Mike. With new candidates comes a greater selection to choose from. However, it would be nice to hear more about his viewpoints. If O'Malley can successfully appeal to the younger voters by speaking about issues that have a greater meaning to them, such as environmental issues, there shouldn't be too much of a problem gaining their support.

  6. I don't know enough about O'Malley to form a strong opinion of him an whether or not he is any different from Hillary Clinton. While I do agree that more choice is better, the most important thing is having a candidate who can win. Because O'Malley hasn't made clear what he stands for and what his positions on specific issues are, it is hard to tell if can win. If he wants to stand a chance again Hillary Clinton, separating himself from her on issues important to Democratic voters is crucial. I am certain he will do this should he decide to run for the Democratic nomination against Hillary Clinton.

  7. I think it is good we are getting a variety for the nominee position. It allows different ideas to be presented. However, like the majority said, it would be nice for him to show and take strong viewpoints on things right now so we are aware on how he stands. If he gains the young voter population, the future looks bright.

  8. As everybody else has said, I don't know what
    O'Malley stands for. Although I don't agree with all of Hillary Clinton's points, I'm hesitant to support a potential candidate whose points I'm not even aware of. I am, however, happy to see new faces.

  9. I pretty much agree withe everyone on this article. Although I'm happy to see new faces, and think having a wider variety of people to choose from will benefit things, I would need to hear what O'Malley stands for and what he doesn't stand for.

  10. The beginning of this ad sounded like an endorsement of Martin O'Malley: the Yuengling swiggin', banjo playin, All-American man. Nevertheless, I do not think his age would make it hard to mobilize the young vote, especially considering he is going up against the 67-year-old Hilary Clinton. As long as he plays up this cool, American persona that the beginning of the article seemed to touch on, I don't think his age will get in the way of his attempt at running for president. Nobody seems to know too much about his beliefs, but I am definitely interested to learn more about him.

  11. As everyone else is saying, I agree that the more variety, the better. It seems odd that of millions of U.S. citizens in this country, one family could potentially hold Presidential office on two separate occasions. Nevertheless, it could potentially happen, and I am eager to see how O'Malley responds.

  12. If you stopped reading after the first paragraph you might actually like this guy. He's relatively young, and is in band, what's not to like. Oh wait, everything else about him. If you want any chance of beating Hilary you need to distance yourself somehow. People will take the experienced person with the more recognizable name if you have the exact same views. I really hope someone besides this goofball comes to the forefront.


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