Monday, October 27, 2014

Ahead of 2016, Immigration Activists Want Answers From Clinton

Many frustrated Latinos have begun to peg Hillary Clinton for answers on whether or not she supports immigrant families. Clinton has claimed to support immigration change, but some of her actions make that claim questionable. By mobilizing ahead of time, Latinos put the pressure on Hillary to commit to immigration change or lose critical Latino votes. How do you feel about illegal immigration? Do you think Hillary genuinely supports immigrants or claims to simply for the votes?


  1. Thats strange. You'd think Hillary Clinton, being a a democrat, would be all over immigration reform. I guess she's thinking that right now is not a politically good time to talk on immigration, with the midterms and such taking place. She is probably staying silent in order to protect southern democrats.

  2. I think that Hilary Clinton needs to address immigration if she wants to keep her Latino supporters. Like Emmanuel said,it may not be a good time for her to address immigration, but it is an issue that her supporters are obviously passionate about. Immigration reform is an issue now, I would think it would be in her benefit to address it.

  3. I agree with Emmanuel and Jamie. Maybe it isn't the right time to discuss the subject of immigration, but she is obviously pressured to talk about it with the Latino supporters. Hilary Clinton better choose her words carefully since 63 percent of Latinos ages 18 to 34 said they would vote for her. That's a huge support and she better not lose that.

  4. Hilary Clinton needs to speak out on immigration. She could cost herself a ton of votes if she does not. Even if she does not feel it is the right time she has to before she runs out of time.

  5. Hillary Clinton should speak for immigration reform. It is a very pressing matter that needs to be addressed and ignoring it because of the midterms doesn't exactly inspire confidence in Hillary amongst Latinos.

  6. I agree with those who commented before me. If Hillary Clinton truly wants a victory she needs to speak for immigration reform. Otherwise, she will lose the votes of many of her Latino supporters. However, by doing so, she may put off a facade. Clinton has had actions in the past that lead us to believe she is not for immigration reform. By stating in her campaigns that she is, it becomes an object of maintaining voters.

  7. I agree with the others who have said now is not a good time to talk about immigration reform. Hillary Clinton is campaigning for southern Democrats whose election prospects are not looking good. Talking about immigration reform now would not help them at all. It is an important issue that Hillary Clinton must address, but she has plenty of time to do so if she decides to run for president again. I cannot say whether or not she supports immigration reform, but I am certain that she will make her position clear when she needs to.

  8. I think that Hillary Clinton needs to take a clear side on immigration reform and stick to it because, as the article said, it will decide her popularity in the Latino community. However, she can't just take a side for the purposes of campaigning; she needs to actually stick with what she decides (or be honest while campaigning) otherwise there will be even more noise from the Latino community. She's walking a fine line, and she must pick a side.

  9. If Hillary Clinton wants the support of the Latino community, she needs to take a firm side on immigration. If she does care deeply about the Latinos, she should carefully watch was she says and handle the issue head on rather than staying in the background. She has had their votes in the past and to keep them, she needs to make her position clear.

  10. Clinton would need to address Immigration and clear up any uncertainties people have about it towards her. I agree with Antonella when she says that Hilary should be completely honest and stick with what she decides. I think Hilary's approach to immigration can make or break her like or dislike in the Latino community and can either get her to gain a bunch of voters or lose a bunch.

  11. Clintion needs to whole-heartedly support immigration if she wants the victory. I say whole-heartedly because she is in a hole with Latinos right now and she has to do everything she can to prove to them that she really does care. It does not seem that Latinos are going to take empty promises this election. They want action.

  12. The hole I mentioned was created by her husband's policy as president on immigration and her association with Lundergan Grimes and her immigration policy. It is going to take a lot of convincing to make Latino's believe that she does not have the same beliefs as her husband. It would seem weird that they do not share the same beliefs, especially as a family of political elites.

  13. I agree with the idea that Clinton needs to take a clear side on immigration. As of right now, her ideals seem to be conflicting, which is already causing some uproar among the Latino community. I can't imagine how intense things would get if Clinton still hasn't sided with immigration reform come 2016. She would lose wide-spread support of the Latino community, which would in turn greatly decrease her chances of winning the Presidential Election.


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