Sunday, May 7, 2017

Pope Francis angered by America's 'mother of all bombs' name

Last month, the United States dropped a GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB) in Afghanistan. The target of the bombing was a network of tunnels used by ISIS militants. The powerful MOAB has become popularly known in the military and by the public as the "Mother of All Bombs." Recently, Pope Francis criticized this name, stating that "A mother gives life and this one gives death." The opinion of the Pope is historically a powerful political factor, even beyond the Catholic world. Do you think the Pope's criticism of the bomb's nickname is justified or simply an overreaction? What is your opinion on America's use of this bomb, as well as America's general military involvement in the fight against ISIS?


  1. I understand the Pope's criticism of the name for the bomb- his comment is true. I don't think that it is meant to be directly offensive towards mothers, however, but rather to demonstrate that it is an extremely powerful bomb. I don't know enough about the use of this weapon to really comment on this topic, but I think that the extensive use of bombs is not completely necessary and that bringing dangerous weapons into use is a a risky and long game to play. I don't know how necessary it really is so, again, I can't express a fully informed opinion.

  2. The Pope's critique of the name is justified, but I doubt the intention was to be offensive. Honestly, if you're talking about a giant bomb being dropped on another country, the name of that bomb isn't exactly the part to split hairs over. I believe the US uses excessive force when it comes to international dealings, and this situation is no exception.

  3. The Pope is justified in his criticism, although the intention of the naming was more than likely to make a statement about the power of the bomb. When you think about it, "mother of" does not really correlate to the bomb; it didn't give birth to others and isn't the original. It's simply the most powerful. Many words could be associated with that. I think that the prolonged involvement is ultimately dangerous and that this bomb is not a real solution-- it just adds to the issue.

  4. I get where the Pope is coming from and I don't think he's really overreacting about this. I personally couldn't care less what you call the bomb, but I guess as the leader of a religion that puts huge amounts importance on the mother figure, the name can be a little off putting. I don't know about the destructive power of the bomb but I would assume it is not safe or necessary for the fight in ISIS. However, I think we should be combating ISIS since they are a serious threat to people in foreign lands and because they often threaten us.

  5. I think the name is offensive, and I agree with the Pope's explanation. I don't think that bombing is an effective way to stop ISIS, considering the number of civilan casualties that would occur.

  6. ISIS is a response to US Imperialism and recklessness. You know who should be tasked with getting rid of them? Bush. Cheney. Right now, we should be assisting and arming someone good for once, sending weapons and supplies to the Kurds and helping them stay alive.

  7. The Pope's criticism on the name of the bomb is definitely justifiable. However, the bomb itself and the idea of bombing ISIS is more of an important issue to be focusing on, not as much for the name of it. I don't believe bombing ISIS an effective way of dealing with the situation, but ISIS is a major threat and something has to be done. I don't think the mother of all bombs is the answer, though.


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