Sunday, February 26, 2017

People From 7 Travel-Ban Nations Pose No Increased Terror Risk, Report Says

Last month Trump signed an executive order banning visitors from 7 predominantly Muslim countries.  This order has been suspended, but they plan to be redone so they will “withstand legal scrutiny”.  The Department of Homeland Security found that only a small number of people from the seven countries have been involved in terrorist’s activities.  What do you think of this travel ban? Is it unreasonable? What do you think of Trump’s plan to build the wall? 


  1. This travel ban, along with essentially every one of Trump's ideas, is complete bullshit. Science, morality, and legality all point to this being an unjust ban. The wall is bs, too. It's terrifying and cruel.

  2. The ban is completely unreasonable and ridiculous. It sends the wrong message to other nations and does not represent the values that America has historically held. The wall is an incredibly expensive, unnecessary, and frankly stupid project which is a waste of efforts and resources and furthers Trump's sentiment of exclusion.

  3. I think the travel ban is very unreasonable. It is unfair to assume that all citizens of any country pose a threat to the safety of this country. Along with his plan to build the wall, this plan was a waste of time and money.

  4. What's intesresting with these countries here, is very few of them have connections to terrorist organizations. Infact something like 11 of the hijackers from 9/11 were Saudis. Though I don't not see Trump banning immigration from Saudi Arabia. May have something to do with his business interests there...?

  5. The travel ban, like the wall, is unnecessary- a complete waste of time and money. Both of these plans target non-existent problems. People from these countries pose no more threat than an American, and Mexicans are not taking jobs that Americans want. Policy based on fake issues is bad policy.

  6. The travel ban is completely unreasonable, hateful, and ill-advised. The ban, as well as the wall, are fear-mongering, unnecessary measures that are a complete waste of energy, time, and resources. They will promote the awful rhetoric that Trump has fostered and be as divisive and unreasonable as the rest of his moves as President.

  7. The fact that this order was originally done without the intent or ability to "withstand legal scrutiny" just shows how sketchy this whole thing is. Harrison's point that Trump didn't ban Saudis despite 9/11 hijackers being from Saudi Arabia and that maybe that he is not banning them for business possibilities only raises my suspicions on Trump. It doesn't have any semblance of logic or general thought at all and is mean and highly uncouth.

  8. Along with the rest of Trump's immigration policy, this new travel ban is ridiculous, not well-thought-out, and discriminatory. Just because a few terrorists carried out attacks on the US doesn't mean that the entire population is hostile--many Americans have carried out terrorist attacks as well! Terrorists are always a very tiny minority, and it is unreasonable and unfair to punish an entire group of countries for the actions of a few of their citizens.


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