Monday, February 27, 2017

Bush Weighs In On Trump Presidency, Calling Press 'Indispensable To Democracy'

Ever since Trump has become president, he has stated that, "the media is the enemy of the American people." It was stated on an interview with NBC that George Bush strongly disagrees with Trump on this matter and believes that the media is “indispensable to a Democracy." This was recorded to be one of the first times George Bush has spoken at length about the current occupant in the Oval Office. Do you agree with George Bush on the issue regarding the media? What valid reasons would you give Trump if you had to persuade him not to try to ban the media and to have a kinder view of it?  


  1. Although the media can be skewed and unreliable, it's the greatest method of communication. Americans can't really follow politics and the ongoings of our country if the media can't cover it. It's our right to know what's happening in politics, and there's no other way than to talk to politicians directly which is literally impossible. I think it's good that Bush is voicing his opinion.

  2. While the media can certainly be biased and is not always reliable, it is the best source of communication we have and the best means to spread information. Citizens should be informed and know what is happening in the world and on a local scale; the best way to ensure this is through the media. It's interesting to hear Bush's comments considering how quiet he has been.

  3. There will always be bias in the media, but the media are necessary for citizens to be informed about the events going on within our country and around the world. I agree with Bush because, without the ability to make our own decisions based on information found in the media, democracy will be lost. The media are our ally, not our enemy.

  4. Hm... Trying to think of an argument against banning the media... Oh yea! The first amendment. Beyond the fact that it's illegal to ban the media, how else are we gonna get all the news about all the illegal shit he's pulling? Oh, yea he doesn't want us to hear about it. Is that Conflict of Interest you hear echoing about?

  5. I agree with Bush on the importance of the media to democracy. Bias is unavoidable and must be annoying for all politicians, but that is something everyone just needs to learn to deal with. President Trump's anti-media attitude signals his authoritarian style of leadership that does not work well in a democracy. The public needs the media for information. An uninformed population has no power, destroying democracy.

  6. I would definitely say that the media is indispensable to democracy. That George W. Bush guy has some really great ideas, I wonder why no one else ever thought that free press is vital to our system of government! Wait, whats that? Hold on everyone, I'm receiving a new report that someone has indeed thought of that already... Turns out these people called the "founding fathers" or something decided that it was so important that they would make it literally the first law in the history of the United States. All sarcasm aside, at least Bush is making some kind of stand, unlike his spineless Republican compatriots. I couldn't give Trump any logical rationale as to why he shouldn't ban the media because the man-child is insane and logic flies over his head like a fly ball over the outstretched glove of an incompetent center fielder.

  7. I think it's a good thing that Bush is voicing his opinion; it's beneficial to show Republicans disagreeing with Trump. Maybe it'll convince the rest of them to magically grow a backbone. The media is indispensable to democracy; without the media, the people of America would have no way of knowing what is going on politically. The public needs information in order to be informed (surprise) and the media is its main source of information. Though dealing with negativity and such from the media could be obnoxious to politicians, a little obnoxiousness can't even begin to compare to the importance of an informed public. Trump needs to brush up on the first amendment.(And the rest of them.)

  8. While I don't agree with Bush on most issues, this is one place where he is definitely correct. Though bias in the media is inescapable, the American people must get information from somewhere, or else they would be completely blind to the actions of the government and have no idea what or why they are voting. The media is certainly vital to democracy, and it is vital for Trump to know that. It is protected under the first amendment, and, however damaging the truth might be to Trump's political agenda, it is necessary for it to be heard.


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